Stall Broken

Sep 25, 2010

I stayed around 212 for about 3 weeks. Then all of the sudden I dropped to 207 and today to 201. Crazy. I refuse to freak out about my 'number' and I dropped down. My mind does wonder to "Am I going to make goal" " Am I going to be the 1 person this doesn't work for", etc. But I refuse to freak out. If I can get under 200, I'll be happy and this has been worth it.
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Not much going on wows

Sep 09, 2010

Not a whole lot is going on. Hubby was out of town for a funeral for the last four days and I had work and the kids by myself. It was quite the ordeal. They kids were absolutely awful in the mornings for me but we worked it out.

He came home today and we were very very happy to see one another. He came up to me and grabbed me at the waist and lifted me above his head. yup, you read that right. I thought it was hilarious and my girls just stared at us. I told him to put me down that he would have a heart attack but it still made my day. :)

I Heart Vitalady!

Sep 01, 2010

I've been adding vites a couple a week since 3 weeks post op. I knew I was low on B12, A, and iron from my 3 mo lab work but didn't really know what to do about it. I hate ordering on line bc I don't really know what I'm doing so I called Morgan today. IT WAS GREAT. She helped me pick out the best for me, worked out which iron since it makes me sick, which ones I could do as chewables. Oh, I'm so excited to get this figured out. I feel better already with the amounts she told me today. Yay.

Concert Wows

Aug 28, 2010

Last night hubby and I went to a concert at a local club /bar. I wore my only 'going out' shirt and my tightest jeans which are pretty loose. (XL shirt and 16 plus size jeans) I didn't particularly feel 'small' but felt fine. As you can imagine it got tight in the crowd and hubby ended up standing behind me. During the songs, he would wrap his arms around me. Yup. That's crazy. His arms fit all the way around me. He would block the a holes from squishing me. That was a lot of fun and really, really crazy.

At one point a girl beside me saw my phone with our 3 kids. She couldn't believe I had 3 kids and said "wow, you look great" I was like "excuse me? What?" That's just insane.


Back to the Grind

Aug 21, 2010

Well, it had to happen sooner or later; I went back to work. I was glad to have some structure, alone with the kids is a little tiring for me. Grateful for the time with them, but ready to teach come end of summer.  This week was pre planning so didn't have to be at work at the crack of down, since I've been getting up at 5 am to work out, I decided to sleep til I had to get up. I did workout two days this week after work which was good but hard to deal with the kids and juggle the gym.

I'm hoping to get back to my 5am mornings next week. I also have lunch duty so will need to bring my lunch and my girls start kindergarten so lots and lots going on. The girls will be taking their lunches as well and hubby's new shift means I'll be getting all three ready by myself and doing the dropping off and picking up so we will see how that goes. I did that this past week and it was exhausting. Craig has offered to go in later but that just puts me with no help in the evenings so I am going to try to make this work.

Carbs have definitely been sneaking in. I've had a piece of bread here, a hersey kiss there, etc. I'm sure that in addition to not exercising 6 days a week like I was, my weight has stalled a bit. I know it will get better with the structure of work so I'm not too worried. I honestly think a little carbs like the wheat bread is good for me now that I'm running.

I'm very excited about my couch to 5k training. Its going really well. I have done up to 4 weeks. It is now very difficult but mostly a mind game. I'm trying to get past that. About five people from my work are doing it so there is some pressure to stick with it.

Going back to work was fun.  A few people saw me when I taught summer school but even they were amazed I had dropped another size. So that was fun. The new people didn't know what I looked like five months ago so it was nice to be around people that know the 'normal' sized Emily only. Feeling really sexy lately and hoping to get even smaller. My plus sized 16s are loose and now I'm hoping to get to 12s or so.  Before I would have been happy with 14s but I would like to know what 12s would look like.

I met up with the Jville wls support group for the first time since pre op. There were only two people there but it was nice to talk the 'talk' with people who have been there. I still haven't met a dser in real life so can't wait for that day. There is one dser in the group but she was on vacation. Hoping I can meet up with her soon.

Theme Park Wows

Aug 12, 2010

Just got back from a few days at a water/theme park with hubby and our 5 year old twin girls. There were so many wows. I wasn't worried about fitting into rides AT ALL. I fit all of them and the girls were happy that I was participating with them so much. I would just say "I want to ride it" and they would smile and go with me. It was a great trip.  I'm a little sad, hubby couldn't fit on one ride. He was saying how he was too 'tall' but the ride says it fits until 6'6" so I'm a little sad but even more sad bc he is in such denial. I wish he would understand he is overweight but he doesn't think he is.

I've worked out for a 1.5 months pretty hard and I'm so happy I have. I would have NEVER made it without losing 70 lbs and all that exercise. We were in the park for 7.5 hours on Wed and 5 hours today. That included climing stairs about 10 times for the water slides and walking all over the whole two parks for those hours. My legs feel like jello, but I did it and could keep walking with no problems.

I know I've lost a few more pounds bc I got on the scale at the end of the day in jeans, fully clothed and it said what my lowest was two days ago. woohoo.

I did well with my vites and drinking. I found out mixing fruit punch and water at the park was good and kept me pretty hydrated.

So great trip. School starts next week and I'm really really nervous about leaving my baby boy but I'll survive. Saw one of my girls' teacher from last year and she said how great I looked so that is cool.  Also, asked the secretary at work if I could use her computer since mine wasn't working and she stared at me like I was crazy. I just looked and finally she said she was sorry, she didn't know who I was! That was great.

So hope to get this school year started off in a healthy way. woohoo!

I went down a water slide!!

Jul 30, 2010

Yes, that is funny. I took my two girls and two nieces to Gymnastics Camp Swim Day at a public pool in a nearby city. It had a two story water slide and looked really mello. WRONG. I asked Taylor if she wanted to ride it with me. She looked at me and said "You can ride that water slide?!" I said yes!  So we walked together and up the stairs. I was really happy I had lost 65 lbs bc the stairs were super narrow, for divers and such.

I was worried the water wouldn't be able to push me down so I kind of threw myself down the slide, I was very, very wrong! It was very fast slide and I was thrown around quite a bit. I held on to my sunglasses and went in the water. All kinds of water went up my nose and my bathing suit was a little too loose to be going down a water slide, but I don't think anyone saw anything. lol. My girls were pretty shocked I went down it and they are still talking about it today. I think its funny but I'm glad I'm able to do these experiences with them and not be worried about embarrassing them as the 'fat' mom. I also wasn't embarrassed to be in my bathing suit infront of the coaches and other parents/camp workers. I felt good. It was a great day.

I'm down 67 lb and down to a plus sized 16. I still can't wear a misses 16 but I'll take it!! lol. I can really tell a big difference from when I started exercising so I trying to keep it up.

Lovin' life right now.
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Funny wow.

Jul 19, 2010

So I've been getting up and working out before anyone is up at the gym. Its been really great and makes me feel terrific. Today, I felt so good, I decided to ride a bike after my walk/jog. I kept thinking this is so easy and comfortable, why is it different?? Then I looked down.

My thighs weren't touching!!  Ugh. I was speechless. I even lifted my shirt and looked harder. They didn't touch as I rode the bike. It was weird, but I loved it. I did over 50 min of cardio and felt incredible. I guess this is the endorphins people talk about!!

I hope I can keep this up when school starts back. Hopefully by then it will be second nature.

I've bought a couple 16 jeans though the Gloria Vanderbilt don't fit yet so I know I'm not a true 16.

Crazy Sizes!

Jun 29, 2010

I mentioned I can't stop buying clothes. It really is getting out of control. I'm going to make an effort to go to Goodwill for my shopping for the next couple trips. But I put on my size 18 $10.99 jeans from Catos and they were BAGGY. It was the only second time I wore them so feeling a little guilty.  I was perplexed so I was dying to go back to Catos and just TRY on some 16s. I did and I couldn't believe it. I could wear one pair of work pants (but they were similar to a pair I bought last week so I didn't buy them), button and zip one pair that I would just wear with a longer shirt, and could button and zip some non stretchy jeans where I would have to wait a little before wearing in public.

Really crazy. I thought I would buy clothes every other size, which I've done pretty well and now I'm having to buy more often. I'm enjoying it though.
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I can't stop buying clothes!!

Jun 26, 2010

I swore I would only buy clothes every other size. I also swore I wouldn't buy any work clothes until I went back in August. I can't stop !! Ever since I tried on size 18 capris and they fit, I just like to try clothes on because I can't believe it. I truly, honestly thought the 18s were a fluke and they were just a really stretchy pair, but I bought another pair of jeans and work pants. Also, excited, I grabbed a 14/16 shirt off the rack to go with the work pants and just bought it. Figured it would fit in a little while. It looks great and is not tight at all. Holy moly, this is incredible.

I'm really doing well on my vites and shakes. I've found a good water/protein combo for 56 g in the morning.

Had my 3 mo appt and everything is going great. I'll be interested to see how my blood work comes out. I hope I'm doing what I should. Vitamin levels are really confusing to me and I'll trying to read what I can from others blogs and such but I don't know if I'm able to understand.

edited to add: I went shopping at Kohls and went straight to the women's dept. Picked up a 1x shirt and it looked like a tent. I honestly did not know where the right dept was, I've shopped in women's for so long. Next door was the Misses dept so I walked over there. Surely I wasn't a misses, that just sounds so small. I picked up some XL shirts and tried them all. They ALL FIT. They weren't even loose. It is amazing. Of course I bought them all. But this was my first purchase in a REGULAR dept. I couldn't wait for that to happen and now it has at 3 months out. I'm sooooo excited. Maybe I'll stop buying clothes but I doubt it!

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