3 Weeks Post Op

Oct 28, 2009

Going into this journey I was worried about possible issues after surgery.  Would I be able to get 60 grams of protein and drink 64 ozs of water each day?  Would I be nauseous all the time?  How sore would I be?  How much head hunger would I have to deal with?

So far I have had very few issues.  I am able to hit my protein and water levels and have only had a few events of nausea. 

I think my biggest issue thus far is my relationship with my boyfriend,  He is morbidly obese too and when I started this journey was very supportive.  He even commented that this would make him get on track and lose some weight.  Well 3 weeks into this and he has done nothing to change his habits.  I worry for his health.  He hasn't been to a doctor in years and thinks that because he doesn't know anything is wrong with him he must be in fine health. 

I can't even stand to have him eat in front of me because it makes me want to throw up.  I don't want to be the food police but some of the crap he eats is just horrible.  So it is really hard to be around that while I am trying to stay on track and regain my health.

I have thought am I mad because he is able to eat all this crap and I can't?  I can honestly say that isn't the case.  I don't want to put that crap into my body.  I am sick and tired of my health issues that are caused by my obesity and I am going to stick to the program.  But how can I get thru this journey and keep my relationship intact when I am having these feelings. 

Then I feel badly because I am the one changing and I know I can't make him change.  I just don't know if we are going to survive this.

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Surgery Date
Feb 22, 2009
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