My weight has always been an issue in my life. I eat when I am lonely, sad, etc.. which happens quite often, although I am outgoing and have a good amount of friends. I'm getting my master's degree in Education and I do vocal performance (classical/opera) for fun. Music was my major when I first began school but I came from a small high school that did not have a great program, so I came in quite behind and did not get the support I needed, so I had to change my major. That was my first disappointment.. up until then I had been losing weight in college..but I gained about 50 lbs in a year. I had mean roommates and emotional issues, including a suicide attempt, and put on even more weight until I reached my high of 310. Seeing 300+ on a scale was a wakeup call. I went to a nutitionist and managed to lose down to about 259, but I had a bad injury last year, and that combined with a stressful school year brought me back up into the 280s, but I've been dieting again and I'm back to 277, more or less...

 That's how my whole life has been. Success and failure being measured by the scale and my clothing sizes.. I don't want to be like that anymore. When I first started looking at WLS, it was the first time I ever pictured myself being normal. I was never like other children.. I didn't ride a bike, I've never climbed a tree, and I want to do all of those things after I get to my goal weight of 175. I hope that God will help me, although I'm not the best Christian I can be.

About Me
May 23, 2007
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Seminar, Insurance, and the gauntlet of emotion
Big Medicine
