I have struggled with weight issues since I was a child.  My first memory of worry about what was when I was 7.  How horrible to worry about this when you are so young.  Through my school years things only got worse.  When I graduated from high school I weighed 200lbs and hated every minute of it.  I met a boy and entered my first severly co-dependent relationship.  We were together for 4 years.  I finally realized he was destroy me and left.  I gained many things in those four years, however.  The most important thing I gained was a child.

So I am a single mother.  Before becoming pregnant I was at my lowest weight since I was a kid 175.  I felt great but during pregnancy I stopped working out and ate like none other.  I of course gained everything back plus 20lbs.  Several years passed and I bounced around the scale down some here, up some there.  Two and a half years ago my highest weight yet 255.  Oh my goodness, I had to do something.  I joined LA Weight Loss.  Amazing results I lost 50 lbs in about 7 months YAY! but then the plateau.  I lost all of my willpower.  I gave in.

That is when I started looking into WLS.  I first considered the lap band but that port under my skin freaks me out.  So I backed off and decided I couldn't afford surgery.  6 months later, I moved to Texas from Idaho, away from family and friends.  I have struggled not having a support network.  I felt like I was just getting fatter and fatter.  Although I was working out 3-5 week, I was making no progress on the scale.  My clothes felt tighter every time I put them on. To top off all of the frustration I got a myspace message reminding me that my ten yr class reunion was this summer.  Oh no, there was no way I was going to go back to that high school and see all of those people who made fun of me for being fat, if I was still fat.   I decided no more of this.  

I saw Dr. Barker in April.  I knew I wanted the VSG so we scheduled surgery.  Unfortunately for my pocket my insurance does not cover WLS but on the upside I didn't have to jump through any hoops.  My parents came to stay with me during the week of surgery.  Thank goodness, I don't know what I would have done without them.  Well that's all here I am post VSG, loosing weight and looking great!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 2
1 month
