Reflections on being 9months post WLS......

Nov 18, 2009

Well i hadnt realized that I NEVER posted since I had my surgery!! Sorry OH I was caught up in the world of the living... LOL.... So first I'll give you my stats then I'll go into details.....

My highest weight ever was 373 lbs. When I had my surgery 2/12/09 I was 357lbs. I am now 251 lbs. That means I have lost 106 lbs. When I had my surgery I was wearing a 22/24 top and 26/28 bottoms and now I'm wearing size 14 tops and 16/18 bottoms!!!!! But I'm not completely happy with that.....

I know I originally said my goal was to get down to 220 or 230 so that would mean that I have almost met that goal...... But things have changed. My new goal weight is 180 lbs!!! Hopefully I can make it happen. I have been losing at a rate of about 10 lbs a month but it has become increasingly harder to get that off since I found out I can eat CHOCOLATE!

I'm loving life since WLS. I've gotten rid of some of my bad habits/people in my life. I'm 1000% more confident but I'm still getting adjusted to my new life. I've stopped being so softspoken and I don't keep things bottled up anymore. If something's bothering me.... YOU WILL KNOW!!!.. lol. My man says that as my ass got smaller, my mouth got bigger... and that for every pound I lost... I gained it back in attitude!..LMAO but it's so true. I feel free now. I love life and I love me and no one can make me feel any different!

My regrets are that I wish I had done this sooner! I love my WLS and I would do it again in a heartbeat! I thought I was happy before, but now I know that I am on my way to becoming truly happy. I also wish I had exercised more, but I'm happy with losing 100 pounds without doing much exercise.

So..... about that last 70 lbs??????? Well I'm getting myself back on track now. I started my five day pouch test today and I'm going to make it!!!!! I'm increasing my water intake and I'm going to make sure I get my vitamins in every day. And I'm going back to the gym! I plan on walking atleast an hour every day. I hope to be down to 230 lbs by the end of the year. It's time to exercise anyway because I want to tone my muscles and maybe walking will help my BUTT and THIGHS which haven't gone anywhere!!! I can't wait to shop at regular size clothing stores and in the regular women's department at Macy's. My goal is to be a 12/14 and I'm planning on having my tummy and arm tuck in March or April. I want to be FIERCE for my 25th birthday!!!!

I promise to update again soon!!!
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Feb 17, 2009

OKay.... So I had my surgery Thursday February 12 and I had to be there by 9am. Everything happened so fast. First they gave me a blood pregnancy test and then when they got the results I was taken into pre-op. I undressed and laid on the gurney and they put my IV in. Then the anesthesiologist came in and talked to me followed by Dr. Taylor and I signed the authorization forms. Then they gave me some medicine and that's all I remember!!! When I woke up I was in my room and I had only mild pain. The morphine pump kept making me doze in and out so Thursday really was a blur. Oh.... DO NOT EXPECT TO GET ANY SLEEP IN THE HOSPITAL!!!!!! The nurses and staff are really nice but they come in and out of the room constantly, like every hour. SO Friday... I just knew I was going home but apparently I had a low grade fever during the night and Dr. Taylor thought it was best that I stay another night. I had a private room and that was really boring, nobody to talk to. So I just watched TV and ate ice and walked. I honestly didn't have any gas or gas pains. When I asked the nurse she came in and pressed on my stomach and said it wasn't hard so I must not have had much gas. On Saturday morning, they took my IV out and I got to take a shower!!!! YAY ME!!! So now I'm just waiting for the doctor. It took another three hours for her to come but when she did, she said I could GO!!!!!

So now I'm home. I'm on clear liquids until 2/19 and then I will progress to full liquids. Honestly, I'm not hungry at all and I'm not taking any pain medication. I really don't need it. I'm just taking two chewable Rugrats Vitamins and a B-12 supplement. When I had the IV in, I gained 12 pounds of fluid but I have now lost it all plus an additional six pounds!!!!!

So now I'm just trying not to go stir crazy because I'm not used to being in the house ALLLLLL DAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

Wish me Luck!!

Pre-Admission Testing!!! Yay!!!!!!!

Jan 28, 2009

So.... today I went for my pre-admissions testing. I had to be there at 8:15am and I hate getting up early. They took my blood pressure, weighed me and then drew five tubes of blood. Then I went back and had a chest x-ray and an ultrasound. Sadly, I found out that I have a very large gall stonebut I have never had any pain so they said I should be fine. The appointment was very long but now I know I'm cleared for surgery February12!!! I'm so excited!!!! I have decided that I am going to ignore my friends who don't have anything positive to say about me having surgery. Thank you sooooo much Ms. Kerbi for the advice!!!!. I am doing this for me and only me and it doesn't matter what anyone else says, my faith in God will bring me through.

So for now, I am just WAITING!!!!!! I have 15 days to go and it seems like forever!!! I am ready to see the scale move!!!!

That's all for now... I'm about to take a nap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY GOALS!!!!! (1st Draft)

Jan 17, 2009

So I have been thinking lately of what my short term and long term goals are for weight loss.  I know they will change but here is my preliminary list:

1. To weigh less than 300 lbs. by my birthday, 7-17-09
2. To lose between 150 and 170 lbs.
3. To feel comfortable in a sleeveless shirt.
4. To be a size 14
5. To fit comfortably in a rollercoaster seat

I'm very excited and very fortunate to be able to have this surgery, but I'm extremely nervous!! I don't know what  to expect as far as the recovery process. I'm a full time student and I'm allowing myself two weeks off of school to recover and I hope it's long enough. I just can't wait until I start losing!!
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I'VE GOT A DATE!!!!!!!

Jan 07, 2009

So this is my first post... I've never blogged before but I think this will help me because a lot of my friends don't really understand. How could they? Not one of them is over 200 lbs!! The only one who really understands is my mom because she has seen me struggle with my weight all my life. So... where to begin?? Well, this has been a fairly speedy approval process for me. November 21, 2008, I attended the group consultation at Barix Clinics in Ypsilanti and met Dr. Taylor. December 5, 2008... had my psychiatric evaluation.... I was so scared! And then, December 15, 2008..... APPROVED!!!!!! Thanks to Barix I didn't have to do anything they took care of everything with BCBS. I was told it would take 7-10 days to get a surgery date but maybe longer because of the holiday. SO... Here we are January 7, 2009 and I HAVE A DATE!!!

I'm going to have Lap RNY on February 12, 2009. I'm not really scared, just a little nervous. I have never had surgery before and I really don't know what to expect. However, I am really excited about the future. So that's all for now...
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About Me
Detroit, MI
Surgery Date
Dec 03, 2008
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