The Road to Happiness!! [Edit Post]
1 hour ago

Well...I am happy but yet very sacred. I have been waiting for this time for two years. My battle with trying to get surgery stared over two and half years ago. In 2005 a close friend was telling that she was going to get gastric bypass...I tried ever thing to talk her out of it. Not long after that talk I had with her, that’s when I started thinking about having it myself. So I went to my PCP....and she wasn't to happy about my decision to have gastric bypass My PCP felt I could lose the weight  myself...she didn't want to write a letter or anything for me, she was very negative.



At this point of my life I was weighing in at 355 lbs. So I was really upset that she didn't agree with me. So after a long battle with her, she put me on a diet with pills, low calorie diet etc. I did that for about five to six months.” going from 355 to 315." Then I had the worst news of my life in June of 2005 the Insurance Company would not approve me for surgery because I needed to be on a supervised diet for 12 months. “I was so add to that problem...I missed a month of going to the my PCP..I had to start all over. I didn't want to do that...I must tell the truth I gave up at the point! So months later, I started all over...but once aging there was a problem in my plans...yes....another problem!!! I had made the decision to relocate to Boston . So I knew that this would put me back.....Having this surgery was looking like something that was going to only happen in the far future. Fast forward...I moved to Boston ...and found a good job that had the right type of Insurance that didn't require you to wait any long periods of months. I research the hospital and the surgeons and PCP...My new PCP sent me to the hospital that she was with...and from the day on I have been the happiest woman around. I first went to see my surgeon in January 07...Weighing in at 332 "yes I gain "some weight back"! At my first visit I was told to loose 30 lbs before I can get the surgery. Oh my GOD! 30 lbs! I didn't like that but it was for the best. The surgeon told me, If I do the right thing maybe I can have it at the end of March I ate the right foods and stop drinking soda. I went back, 4 weeks later I had lost 12 lbs...The Surgeon PA told me to come back in two-four weeks...and don't gain weight.



I went back in TWO weeks...and the surgeon was like I am not sure when I can do the surgery maybe in MAY a few months I am not sure." Yes I was thinking BUT you said the end of March". I left his office a little upset but at least I was closer than I was Two years ago....! So two days later the surgeon secretary called me and said would you like to have your Surgery on April 18.....I could not believe it.....YESSSSSS! I told her...That day I cried...and that’s when I started to think about my future being positive for the first time in my life.  The point of me sharing my story with you is to tell you have to me patient and wait sometimes. Things will happen when God wants them to....Thank you for reading this...and I hope that I have gave somebody the strength to counting to fight for what they want!!

About Me
Farmington Hills , MI
Surgery Date
Mar 29, 2007
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33rd B-Day!!
11 Month Post-Op
10 Mo Post-Op
9th Month Post-Op!!
8 months out!!!
7 Month Post-Op
Half Way There- 6 Month Psot-Op
