
Oct 17, 2009

Hi. I just wanted to report that I got home yesterday evening, and I'm doing ok. 
My surgery lasted about 7 hours.  Dr. Rabkin said everything went well.  Not too many adhesion's.. and 2 small hernias to fix.  I woke up with 3 drains, a feeding tube and in lots of pain.  However, after a few shots of morphine....and some time spent getting to know my PCA pump, it was well under control. 
While in hospital I underwent 1 iron transfusion to bring up my iron levels.  It was unsuccessful so I was transfused 2 units of blood. 

It was real nice to have Cathi (buffalobillsfan) as my switch sister, we walked the halls together a a couple of times and even met up in the other's room. 

I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes.  It meant sooo much to me. 
Oh and thank you for the visit Kerry, it was really good to see you.  You look great! 

Soooo, right now I'm trying to get all this gas out. Walking does help, however as soon as I'm done walking I feel it moving all around again, and it starts hurting again.  Gas X does the same.  I know it will eventually go away...so I'll keep walking and sipping. 

Thank you to all!

Cassandra  (gotta go take a nap now)

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About Me
Sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 23, 2004
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