ted smith

"Initially Dr. Smith seemed rather hard to warm up to. However, after spending some time together during my first visit with him, I realized that as he recognized my bizarre sense of humor for what it was he responded with smiles, laughter, and a warmer atmosphere followed. Lynn, his assistant, is THE BEST! She took me step by step through the whole process that I was to follow over the course of the next year. I actually met her first during the seminar and was in contact with her throughout every step. I know that I would not have gotten where I am without her help. She is simply amazing. I pretty much knew what I was getting into before I ever stepped foot into Dr. Smith's office. Having researched the procedure pretty thoroughly, though probably not as thoroughly as some might have, I felt confident in the decision I had made. Therefore, the only questions I had for him were related to him, his staff, and the hospital. I never felt rushed, put off, or any question to insignificant. That's a big deal to me. I can't say that he "emphasized" aftercare. He simply explained what I could expect, what complications might arise, and what steps would be taken to help insure I did not have any problems. I questioned him concerning his personal record regarding deaths related to the RNY. He informed me that none of his patients had died and only one out of 100 had to be opened rather than laproscopic. I was unable to confirm these statements and I even mentioned to him my concern that there was very little information about him or the hospital's bariatric program. He immediately responded in a manner that put me at ease and that, coupled with the relationship I had developed with Lynn, helped me decide to continue with him as my surgeon. A decision I am extremely glad that I made. The main negative was that there was simply not enough information readily available to me regarding him or the hospital - Hillcrest Baptist Medical. I would have much rather been able to find something online regarding their "bariatric" program or his bariatric surgerical record. Never the less, at this point, I am very satisfied with him and would recommend him in a heart beat. "

Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center

"I was very please with everything about my stay in this hospital. I would recommend it to anyone at anytime."
About Me
Mart, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2008
Member Since

Friends 10
