10 Months out and doing well

Aug 17, 2008

I've lost 105 lbs at this time today and feeling good.

My skin is pretty saggy and I look older but can do alot more now. Walking better, fit into booths and chairs with sides on them, can cross my legs, fasten seat belts better. Some times I'm surprised on the new things I can do. I went for a hike up a steep Mountain to a lake and I did better than my husband,that was a surprise.

I hope to get surgery on my face and arms (things that show) after a year because I do look older than my age right now.

Well that's it for today. P.S. actually got into a pair of WHITE jeans my daughter gave me after surgery that I couldn't even get them up my legs back then, THAT WAS A SHOCK!

Bye, Carolee

3 1/2 months out

Jan 31, 2008

I have now lost 47 since surgery and a total of 67 lbs now. My clothes are real baggy so put them away, what a great feeling. I'm still losing slow but I'm ok and not freaking out now. I increase my exercise to 45 to 60 minutes on the treadmill or walking outside. I joined a gym and had the guy there work up a program for me today. I hope to get there at least 3 times a week.
My skin is a scary site though. I wish I could've had this done when I was younger so my skin wouldn't have been so saggy. Yesterday , I don't know why but was sooooooooo hungry last night. I ate 1010 calories. That's the most I've ever had. I usually range from 750 to 850 calories a day but got on the scale this morning and was up 2 lbs. Never thought I'd gain 2 lbs on 1000 calories. I've exercised everyday so far this week for one hour on the treadmill, maybe its muscle????? bye for now Carol

changed my ticker

Dec 12, 2007

I decided to change my ticker so it read from the point of surgery not from the weight I lost before surgery on my own, which was another 20 lbs. When I write that I'm discouraged because of slow weight loss, people looked at the total from before surgery and said I was doing fine but that wasn't a correct figure. Yes total I've lost 47.8 lbs but that included what I lost before on my own eatting 1300 calories and eatting out once a week. Now it's 27 since surgery and eating 650 to 750 and not eating out. So that's what's new on my board. I've increased my excersise on the tread mill and added some upper body weights for 10 minutes hoping it will increase my motabilism. Bye for now Carolee

2 months out

Dec 09, 2007

It's been awhile since I posted so thought I would update.
I am doing fine BUT am the rare SLOW loser. Minus what I lost before surgery I'm down 27lbs in 2 months so you can see I'm not the norm. I really follow the rules and stick to between 650 and 750 calories a day. Don't know if that's normal. I've always been a calorie counter and decided to keep track since I was losing slow to make sure I haven't done something wrong. My Dr. said I'm in the normal range of people who have lost a certain percentage by this time, ba humbug, I read how much people lose and it's alot more than me. Well at least it's going down in the right direction and my pants are alot loser. I don't dump but do have diarrhea if I eat the wrong thing. Most things agree with me though. I really think my pouch is different in some way (like bigger than most). My Dr. was newer at this and doesn't do it on a regular basis and they say your Dr. estimates the pouch during surgery and if they don't do it much maybe his was off some. I can eat more than most BUT I do keep it down and I can eat more variety than most. I do get hungry around 4 hr. after but when I eat it's smaller still but can feel it getting like I need to eat more which I try not to. So that's it. I will just have to be patient and work a bit harder than most in the beginning. Bye for now Carolee

weight loss tracking

Nov 04, 2007

Surgery Day: 257.6

One week after: 248.8

2 weeks after: 246.4 plateaued for one week
one month out 239.6 18 lbs off
Two months out 228 lost 11 lbs
Three months out 215 lost 13 this month

2weeks 4 days out

Nov 04, 2007

I'm doing great. I've lost 14 lbs since surgery. I almost feel like I haven't been through a major surgery, strange. I started eatting some food besides soup and yogurt. Our Dr.s put you on their stage 3 after 2 weeks which introduces meat, veg., eggs. I've gone easy. I've had a scrambled egg with cheese on it, ummm, at night I've had pureed gerbers meat which tasted good to me and mashed up yams. Boy did that taste good. I may try some salmon in a few days. I still have trouble getting the 60 protein in which is bad or drinking more than 48 oz water (fluids total) but work on it all the time. I will start logging my weight loss so new people can see how it goes. The girl who had surgery one week after me lost a whopping 21lbs in 9 days, holy cow, I've lost 14 in my time but thats fine with me as long as I keep losing. Well will start the tracking. Bye Carol

It's done and I'm home

Oct 20, 2007

Had surgery 10/17/2007. Doing ok, No problems as of yet. Had bleeding through incision several times in the hospital but is ok now.
Feeling weak but not bad. Having a HARD time getting fluids in, trying hard but not making the 64oz's as they wanted.
Better close little weak but I think I'm doing well. Carolee

Getting close

Sep 28, 2007

They told me at the Dr.s office that they've sent my insurance application in and that they received it meaning they have 2 weeks to respond and then I will get a date for surgery. UM getting nervous.

About Me
Eugene, OR
Surgery Date
May 26, 2007
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 8
10 Months out and doing well
3 1/2 months out
changed my ticker
2 months out
weight loss tracking
2weeks 4 days out
It's done and I'm home
Getting close
