Trudging Along

Jul 29, 2013

So yes it has been quite a while.  Weightloss has slowed significantly.  Why you ask?  Well one I tore my miniscus in both knees doing squats.  So after resting those and being out of the gym for 3 weeks my motivation and morale was ZIP!!  I have been eating whatever I want (of course in smaller quantities) and not doing what I should be doing.  I am still losing but should really be at goal by now if I had stuck to things for the past 8 months.  

Just went to Sleevegirl's page and saw that she has reached her goal (WAY TO GO!).  We started at the same weight and just a month or two apart with our surgeries.  So it made something in me click!  This week I have family coming from all over the world (literally) for my parents 50th Anniversary party so eating will be off a bit.  But come next Tuesday it will be back to the basics!

Despite being 40lbs from my initial goal I am feeling really great!  I can fit into a 14 dress and 16 pants.  I fit into a ladies large or xlarge top and my shoes have gone from a 10 down to an 8 1/2.  It was awesome to go show shopping last weekend with my sister to find that my feet fit into nice heels again and look good (not like sausage trying to escape it's casing).  I have a collarbone and you can actually see definition in my shoulders.  I take a class called Les Mills Body Pump at my gym 3-5 times a week and it is an hour of weights with fast reps.  By the time I am done I have done between 800-900 reps.  It kicks my ass some days but I absolutely love the class!

Am I disappointed?  Yeah I wish I had the willpower to have stuck to things and be done now, but one positive thing about it is that I have seen some of my loose skin tighten up.  I still can take flight with my albatross wings and my thighs look like the Michelins baby and if I bend over I have a pouch like a kangaroo to carry my three year old inside, but I look pretty good in the right clothes and my husband says I look hot in my jeans and figure hugging summer dress (compliments of Spanx of course).  My kids and I have passes to Adventure Island this summer and we have been utilizing them ( I would not have been caught there in the past 30 years) and I can walk around Busch Gardens for 12 hours without pain dragging 6 children around with me.

My biggest NSV was to clean out my closet and filled 4 black hefty bags full of clothes that others were able to put to use.  Another Sleever near me gave me 3 bags of 14-16 clothes, many with tags, so I have been blessed in that respect.  There have been many NSV's but this one was huge for me.  My next goal is to be a 14 in pants and close my Lane Bryant charge that has a $0 balance.  I shop at places like Marshall's and Ross now and it is so much cheaper and more fun.

I will check in again once I hit "Onederland".  I hope to hit it by my birthday in September!


Scale was Disappointing this week

Jan 19, 2012

So according to my new wonderful scale I gained a pound since last Wednesday!  I have been going to the gym and eating right so I was really saying some unlady-like words to that scale.  Then I had to remember that when I weighed myself last week I had been sick with the flu and no foods for 3 days and low fluids so that weight was probably not the most accurate. I also am at that TMI so that is water weight.  So I will wait to freak until next Wednesday if the scale hasn't moved downward.  I took some 1 month photos but haven't downloaded them yet.  Will get that done over the weekend. I need to get a measuring tape so see what I am measuring at as well to keep track of my size.
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One Month after Surgery

Jan 13, 2012

Well I had the flu just before my 1 month surgery date.  It was the worst I have ever felt including childbirth!  Better now and trying to rebuild my food again as I reverted to liquids only for 3 days.  Wednesday I bought a new scale so that I can weigh myself while over 300lbs.  I am now down 44Lbs. total since the pre-op diet.  I feel better already and have barely started the journey.  I am supposed to be able to eat soft foods now and that isn't as easy as I had thought it would be.  I think my carbs are too high some days, but I haven't gone crazy with them.  I joined the gym on the 12th of January and used it for the first time that night.  Something light though since I have not been active in over 2 years.  I did the treadmill for 15 minutes and then lifted weights on my upper body for an hour.  I am doing high reps and sets so as to not build too much weight but rather just tone the muscle that i already have.  It wasn't too bad aside from sore shoulders today.  I am aiming for 4 days a week to start.  Tomorrow I will get in there and do another cardio routine, probably the treadmill again and this time my lower body.  I am holding off on working my abs for a little while since I still experience pain when I bend over.  So far I have not experienced any complications from the surgery and I am doing pretty well.  I need to get creative with my food and the only downside is that I am having to cook different meals for the family every night which is getting old fast.  I still am so glad to have had this surgery and look forward to being under 300lbs by March.  I don't want to make my timeline too tight but feel this is doable with having started exercising and based on how well I have done thus far.
My mini-goals are as follows:

Goal 1:  Under 300 lbs.
Goal 2:  break 250 Lbs.
Goal 3:  Break 200 Lbs.
Goal 4:  Get under a size 12.  Don't care what weight that is and will have to see how I look at that point.  I am sure that I will need some plastics at that point.  Time will tell.  These are the goals I have set for myself this past week.  I used to be a cardio freak at the gym and know that if push comes to shove I can get my cardio pretty high to accomplish my goals in a fairly short time period (18 months).


New Years!!! 2012

Dec 31, 2011

Today I met my best friend at the Florida Aquarium with her two boys and my baby boy.  We walked for over 2 hours and chased my 22 month old all over the aquarium.  Guess what????? My knees nor my feet hurt after all that.  That is a first in over 2 years.  I haven't felt that good since before I was pregnant on bedrest with my son and his twin.  I figure that I will use today as my platform to exercise.  Tomorrow I will start waling regularly and then go check out the Anytime Fitness near my house to start my weight training.  Happy New Year Everyone!

1st Post-Op 2 weeks after surgery

Dec 28, 2011

Well I had my appt. today and found that I am down 28lbs since my pre-op appointment.  I am starting B-12 injections tonight and still taking the blood thinners for my factor 5.  I was very excited to see that number under 350 and my next goal is to be under 300 by next appointment in 6 weeks.  Sounds unrealistic but I am confident that I will be there with this prodecure and starting in the gym next week after New Year!  This is my year baby!  I still feel deprived and like I am starving and tonight I tried to eat an Indian spinach/tofu dish and only got about 4 tsps. down before I was completely stuffed.  Need to push the protein more and lower the fat content or I will not make that 6 week goal.Here's to 2012 and a new me!

4 Days Post Op

Dec 18, 2011

Well, it is certainly great to be home!  It was very painful when the pain killers wore off, but very quickly I started feeling better by the hours.  I was so thirsty and sore Thursday and was so giddy when they brought me chicken broth that afternoon in the icu.  Most delicious broth I have ever had.  That perked me right up along with the cranberry juice.  Been sipping water all these 4 days.  Started the Real Meals protein shakes Saturday afternoon and all I can say is...yuck!  I get real crampy after having my 3 oz. of protein and have had to work at getting down 60 grams of protein today (Sunday).  I ordered this chicken broth from a company called unjury and my doc said that a lot of his patients have said it is quite tasty.  It packs 21 grams of protein for 8 oz.  I will use this to break up the sweet chocolate shakes because my love is salt and the broth satisfies that.  I will let you know how the soup tastes.  Incisions are too bad now mostly ictchy and healing cleanly.  On December 1st I was 376lbs. my all time high weight.  Saturday, before I left the hospital i weighed 352lbs.  So I am anxious to see where I am when I have my 2 week post op appointment.  I will let you all know.  I have started looking into gyms to workout after I have healed and thinking of the Anytime Fitness chain so that I can literally work out anytime and it is only a few miles from my house.. no excuses for not getting there.
New Year's Resolution:  Hmm I really hate them, but I gues I would say it is to get into the gym again and do my best to minimize the loose skin the best I can as well as be a better and happier mother to my children and wife to my husband.  Take care and good luck to all of you.

Day Before Surgery

Dec 13, 2011

Well as many of you can imagine I am jittery today and nervous.  It took so long to get here with the required 6months of doctor supervised dieting and then all the tests required by my surgeon.  Of course I had read all the nightmare stories on the web as well as a couple of friends who have friends or family members that wish they never had done it.  Then I found this site and realized that yes sometimes people have negative experiences but the majority agree that this was the best thing they have ever done for themselves.  So.... here's to ME!  I will begin a new journey tomorrow morning.
I do worry about the depression I hear about as people "Divorce" their food.  That is the part that I am most apprehensive about.  I mean most of us who have gotten to this point have done it by making food our best friend, psychologist, lover, and nemesis.  I have no dillusions that this is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done, but the best thing I can do for my health and my family.

I will check back in after surgery and recovery.


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Surgery Date
Jun 28, 2011
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