So glad December is over!!!

Jan 10, 2009

Happy  New Year everyone!!!! I'm sooo glad this is a new year because for me it represents a new beginning. Of course by now everyone knows I have that dreaded fucking disease cancer. Hate saying it, but it is what it is. I was admitted to the hospital AGAIN in December this time I was bleeding so very badly to the point I was hemorraging (sp?) I went in on December 16th and they did another surgery on me try and stop the bleeding. It didn't work at first and then they wanted to do another surgery the same day but thank goodness another surgeon stepped in and said, "NO WAY." I would have died if they did that.

I was in the hospital for 8 long ass days after that and had the nerve to catch that digusting infectious disease CDIFF.  Let me tell you CDIFF ain't no joke baby!!! It's the worst diarrea of your life. I mean I was going at least 20 times a day and it lasted for three weeks. The last week I was going maybe 7 or 8 times a day so can you imagine my sore behind????

Oh I wasn't eating anything either for over two weeks  cause you have the absolute worst pain in your stomach, so needless to say I lost about 10-15lbs.

I was advised by one of my online friends whose niece had just had a bout with CDIFF that I should take some probiotics which would settle my stomach and it did and I was tooooooo happy.
My appetite came back right after that and now I feel like a new person.

I have been receiving the most wonderful cards, emails, and calls from people wishing me well and hoping that all is going good with me and I am eternally grateful beyond words.

I go to see the oncologist in the next two weeks and from there I guess my chemo will start.

But like I said I am sooooooo happy to be feeling good again. These are going to be the best two weeks ever!!!  December was such an awful month for me and I'm glad it's over. On to bigger and better things.

Can't wait for January 20th so I can see Barack get sworn in. I plan on being at somebody's party that day or the weekend before. I feel like celebrating, don't you?

Life is good, no life is great!!!

Praise God and let's get this party started right!!!!

My journey continues...


About Me
Chicago, IL
Surgery Date
Feb 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 55

Latest Blog 39
Part deux
Having cancer sucks!!!!
Back at home
One more day
