Liquid Diet Really Sucks - Day 3

Nov 21, 2012

I'm on day 3 of my two week liquid diet. I don't know why, but I'm craving I sooo miss my coffee! I woke up with a pounding headache this morning and I had to cheat with a not so decaf coffee with sweetener and cream.

Other than missing my 4 gallons of coffee a day, I'd doing pretty good so far. I find going to bed excessively early really helps. I've been in bed at 9:30 pm each night so far. But I'm a night time eater. I can go all day long without eating and then cram it all in at the wee hours of the night and morning. This really is a lifestyle change for me because I don't really feel I'm addicted to food, I feel I have bad eating habits.... and exercise....what's exercise?

I have to change a lot of bad habits and establish some new, healthier routines. I guess this two week liquid diet is the start of my new lifestyle change. I'm on day 3 and I already have 4 pounds gone. Its encouraging, but its exasperating too as I know the weight loss will be short lived after this diet. I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist and realistically, when you go back to eating solid food after a two week liquid diet, you're going to gain some weight back. I just hope I don't have to wait much longer for the surgery after this. THAT would be encouraging!

I meet with the Nurse and Dietician as soon as my diet is over. I have no clue what too expect, but I have to go get my blood work done tomorrow so they'll have it for my appointment. I have my sleep study at the end of the month and the thought of it cracks me up into stitches! Watch a Youtube video on sleep studies and look at everything you are hooked up too. How in heavens am I supposed to get any sleep? lmao. Needless to say, it should be interesting!




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