6 Months and 8 days out.

Aug 19, 2013

I am now 6 months out. I have lost a total of 102lbs. I am in a size 14 and can squeeze comfortably into a 13 junior. I have had no complications at all. I am feeling really good physically. Mentally i am having trouble with the way my body looks. EVeryone tells me i am small and look good but i just see grossness. Sagging skin and all, it just really disgusts me and i don't know how to get over that. I have nobody i can talk to at all about it. Nobody that can relate and understand how i feel. I have my mother to talk to and a few friends but nobody that has been through this experience and can help me in any way. I am having a difficult time in that aspect of my journey. Other than that everything is going extremely well. I have come up on a few stalls but nothing i can't hop right over. I am 20lbs from being in ONEderland. and i soo can not wait til i get there. I am also been thinking about plastics. I have really bad sagging skin on my stomach and on my arms and thighs. i want that gone but i am going to wait til i am about 18 months out to see if it does bounce back because a majority of it has. we shall see. maybe i can post more. I can try to. lol


oh a side note. My oldest son started KINDERGARTEN today!! I am so proud of him!! He is growing up so super duper fast!!



Apr 22, 2013

So i have had my surgery on Feb 11. Everything went very well. Although i dont seem like everyone i have read about. i can tolerate just about everything. i dont get sick at all unless i eat too fast or too much. and i will feel alright in just a minute or so when the food moves down. i try not to eat too much or too fast cuz it is not a pleasant feeling. I do follow my instructions from the doctor with things i should stay away from even though i could probably tolerate it. I keep my sugars low and do not snack often cuz im not hungry. i dont drink anything other than water or sugar free tea and sometimes powerade zero. i have had a hard time with my vitamins but im working on that issue lol. So far From 2-11-2013 to 4-22-2013 i have lost 62 lbs. i couldnt be more happier.


Surgery Date Scheduled!!

Feb 01, 2013

So my nurse just called me and we have a date!! I will be going for my pre registration and all that jazz this wednesday!! and then my surgery is on Feb 11th!!! I can not wait. I am so excited!!!


First day of the rest of my life <3

Jan 22, 2013

Today, Jan 22, 2013, only after 24 hours of my papers being submitted to Tricare, my surgery has been approved. :D Gosh i have been waiting for so long for this day. I am so tired of being the size that i am. and it isn't even just my size. Its my whole life. I never have energy to do anything, i am 23 years old and have 3 little boys that need me. i want to be here for them. i want to be able to do things with them. i want to live for them and with them. that is my reason for this surgery. my boys. they are all the reason i need. I need to be healthy for them. i need to be around. 

Today, Jan. 22, 2013, the first day of the rest of my life. The day i found out that everything is going to change. Oh gosh i can't believe it is finally happening. Now all i need is my surgery date to be officially scheduled. And after thatm LIVE LIFE!!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 20, 2013
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