my thoughts after being 16months out

Jun 08, 2010

OK i find it to be a long life diet. you can call it a life style change but the fact still remains, you must continue to watch calories and workout, when i first read about this surgery i thought wow after years of being over weight i can now not be with the help of the surgery and never be over weight again, well its a good thing to think that way till the real truth hits after many long months. i find that for me to get to goal i must change what i eat every few week. i can stay my longest stall has only been 3 weeks even before the surgery, but i have to be so so focus and it is so hard sometimes.
when i was thinking about, i thought i would only be able to eat 1oz of food for ever and never be hungry again, well i as wrong. it seem like i can eat as much as i did before. well since my surgery i have loss 135lbs. if i wasn't to lose more weight i have to remember how did i lose this weight. was it because i could eat so little and absorb so much?
well it is true at first but how can i lose now?
i found a way to lose weight but it is a hard one to do.
protein veggies some fruits and whole grains.
well i found out that i can eat sugar but i stay away from white simple carbs.
wheat is a killer for me. i don't get sick right away from it. but 4hr later i can feel it coming.
so i eat soy flour (NOT SO GOOD TASTING) but its better then getting sick hours later.
also flex seed has been good too. well i only been cooking and baking with those two whole grain foods.
i have committed to the low carb life style i find when i eat so little carb i don't feel as hungry like when i eat high carb foods.
well this journey has been very hard over 2year losing weight i wonder sometimes when will it be over, well i know the losing weight journey is almost over but a new one is about to begin
on and i just have to say. i was told 8months ago i could not make it to goal and i would only get down to 198lbs. well i sure showed her it was a nurse at my surgeon's office that said that. that just go to show you doctors don't know everything,
in time i will get there it mite not be this month but i will. the key is to never give up,because once you do its all over.

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16 months out

Jun 03, 2010

Its been along time since I came on here to post about myself, well first all lets get to the weight today I am 167.5lbs I am in a size 10pants size medium/small tops and my swimsuit is a size 8 wow I never thought I would be wearing these sizes.
I say if you think that just because you are a year out or more and you think you will not lose anymore you are so wrong, I thought that when I had this surgery and even a doctor told me I cant make it to goal. I was told I will only make it to 198lbs well I showed her
I would like to say just because you have surgery don’t mean the weight loss is a sure thing, you hear about people gaining weight after surgery and it is so true, I was 166lbs 2weeks ago about and some how I wanted to eat, it is so easy to eat, it seem like I could eat as much as I did before, but I looked up on the scale and saw 174 last week and it freak me out, I then went back to eating right again and now I am on a new path. Well anyways my point is if you stay on track you will lose, or even maintain, don’t fall back into those poor eating habits it will just destroy you in the end,
Ok well I’ll be posting a few picture’s in a few days

Remember losing weight is a hard battle but worth every pound!


progress part 3

Apr 06, 2010


eat an enjoy

Mar 31, 2010

well I was just thinking about the way I eat, I notice I am an extreme dieter, no matter what I eat and weigh I feel I will always feel this way, OK some people say I look so, too small but I just can’t believe it. I mean its not like I am at a healthy weight how can people say such a thing? I know I have come a long way but still I feel like I am still over weight. yes I can were a size 12 pants a large some medium shirt, but somehow it doesn't feel like it. I thought it was going to be different. I like too put on a happy face and say I feel so great. don't get me wrong I do, but I just feel like I am so over weight still, when I look at myself I think man I should lose another 50lbs. but I know that's crazy because I am not going that far. my goal is to lose just 12 more pound and if I am lucky I could have my plastic surgery, I went to my PCP today because I have very bad pain in my stomach
ill be doing a  barium test xray on the 9Th. hoping there nothing going on, I am thinking maybe all of my skin is just pulling and causing me pain. well she gave me a referral to see a plastic surgeon I am hoping it will workout.
there is and will always be a part of me that just loves food, but food will not control me. I will control the food! I make things happen and food will not.
well I just want to share how I was feeling and know that just because you lose weight doesn't mean you will be a happier person just because the weight is gone, I think I feel this way is because I have so much skin but hopefully some day soon it will all go away.

So in the meantime I must eat and enjoy my life without food taking over mylife.


13 months and 3 weeks post op

Mar 26, 2010

hello everyone I am so sorry I am late with my update. I been sick with a bad senses headache for 2 1/2 week I am so glad it is over with. ok my weight as of this morning is 175lbs that is so wonderful that I brake my stall of 3 1/2 week. I just change my eating plan. couldn’t  workout but today I am getting back in the gym. I decided to change my goal of 150lbs to 160lbs. only because I feel if I lost another 25lbs I mite look sick. I like the way my face looks now I can just imagine what will happen if I got there. well so I have 15lbs to goal. I am so happy to say this losing weight journey is almost over and I will be able to focus of toning up. I do weight training but I mostly do cardio. well this month has been a bad month but also a good one. well ill be back next month with my progress pic. well have a wonderful day!
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my 1 year video

Feb 20, 2010


1 year post op

Feb 03, 2010

today is my 1 year post op date, what a year this has been. its called a weight loss journey for a reason. it is a hard one to go through. OK lets get to the numbers starting weight of my surgery was 304lbs today i am 185lbs yes i am down 119lbs. my pants size was 26 now it a 12. i no longer have to shop at the plus size store anymore, its a wonderful feeling when you can do that. i never thought i would ever fit in a 12 anything.
i feel so good about myself now.
i have learn a few things about how my body works how i would lose weight gain weight. but i must remember if i do gain its all part of the journey. no matter how long it takes i will make it to my goal weight, the key is to never give up. OK sometime i wonder how much i can eat now it scares me sometime, but i know as long as i do eat the right food i am fine.
I'll be posting my 1 year video a little late my computer is down so i cant upload any videos right now. but i will be posting them soon.
there one thing i found about my pouch. you must work the pouch don't let the pouch work you,

i want to thank you all so much for your support and if there anyone that needs support just message me i am always here to help. well take care everyone till my 13 months post op update.


11 months out

Jan 03, 2010

Today is my 11months post op. yesterday I rewarded myself with getting my eyebrows wax  that was my first time ever, when I look in the mirror I didn’t even recognize myself, but I guess its part of the  new me, well my weight loss last month was slow It was all my fault I feel off the eating wagon and was eating junk food, I know this is bad as a result I only lost 4lbs last month. Well this month is going to be a lot better, I plan on only eating natural food. And I will admit I feel off the exercise wagon too but now I am back on track. I know this month is going to be a better month far as getting me more healthy.
Well Ill get to the numbers I weigh 195lbs I always dream about getting to onederland but never thought I would be here I am so happy with all I have accomplish . Well my sizes are now a large in everything I am happy to go in any store now and buy large it’s a wonderful feeling when you can do that,
Well I comeback next month for my one year post op


10 months out

Dec 03, 2009

This month has been a hard month far as losing weight goes. I made a few changes in my eating plan and went on and added more carbs to it. I workout 5-6days a week mostly cardio and weight training 3days a week. Well I notice the low carb eating was killing my muscle mass and my workout, I couldn’t stay on the machine very long because I felt so tired . But adding in some whole grain carbs and complex carbs I feel refresh gain. I decided to do the 5 day pouch next week. Because I feel I am eating to much I can eat 1 ½ cup of food. I feel that’s to much and maybe that’s why my weight has slowed down. Well I was a my longest stall since my surgery of 3 weeks, I was so depressed and didn’t know what I was doing wrong, but now my weight is moving along again I am so happy about that, ok today I weigh 199lbs  yes that’s right I am no longer over 200lbs I am so excited .

And that’s a loss of 105lbs Since my surgery,
Things are really coming along well hope you are had a great thanksgiving. And  I wish you all a happy loving marry Christmas


9 months out

Nov 02, 2009

Today is my 9 month out from surgery, well I can tell you this is a journey a hard one for me, I don’t know about everyone else but sometime I feel like I am dieting. I have to watch everything I eat, if I eat to many carbs I will gain weight . Well last month I gain 4lbs I was so mad at myself (how did I do this? how did I gain 4lbs?) Well its because I didn’t workout for 2 weeks and eating bad carbs but  my calories was 1200-1500 calories. I think about calories all the time. well I make it to goal? Well seeing those 4lbs made me change what I was doing. I started working out again eating the good carbs again and eating 800calories, so I lost my 4lbs plus 8,. I feel so good about that but also feel so bad that I let myself go, so I feel like I am dieting again, I have 54lbs to goal and I feel like I can't enjoy the small food anymore like I was. I feel like I can eating to much now I hope it doesn’t get out of control, well I am finally down 100lbs since surgery and it feels wonderful to be on the 100lbs lost since surgery, well hope you all are doing great I hope to post me being in onederland later this month, have a great and happy month.


About Me
stockton, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 13, 2008
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