All better now

Feb 08, 2010

Well, as you could probably tell from my last post, I was pretty pissed off at "the process". I met with Dr. Shumacher who is in the same network but works out of Sycamore Hospital. Well, what a difference. He seemed genuinely concurred about my situation. It was a very pleasant experience with him and his staff. He was able to schedule me for surgery on 17 Feb 2010, which I might add is much sooner than I thought. Dr. S and his staff explained the differences between Dr. Anderson's methods and his. I spent more time talking to him in one day than I did in five months with Dr. Anderson.

So all in all, things are looking up. He did mentioned that the only reason he was able to schedule me so quickly was because he thought he would be in court fighting with his home builder. As it turns out, he probably settle out of court. I hope I don't get rescheduled again, but at least he was up front and honest.

So here's the plan:
2/11/10 - I go in for an EGD.
Somewhere between the 11th and 17th I need a stress test.
2/17/10 - I go in for surgery.

MY FINGERS ARE ALL CROSSED that the plan comes to fruition!

Til next post


About Me
Beavercreek, OH
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2009
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