Day 7

Nov 08, 2006

Well today is a day I soon won't forget. I reported to St John's at 9:30 to admitting to get the ball rolling on my placement of the green filter that was to be installed in me to prevent blood clots in my lungs. It was to be a simple operation and I would be in and out of the hospital in just one day. HA  As it turned out when it came time for the operation the Dr. and the or staff had no idea what they going to do with me because of my size. It is not very encouraging when you have 10 people standing around you scratching there heads wondering what to do. So finally they roll me into the operating room and get started and because of my sleep apnea they don't put me under they just give me med's for pain, that didn't really kill all the pain. Some times it hurt real bad. So for the next 4 hours I lay on the bed listening to everything they are saying about me and it was not good. As it turns out they put in a filter that can never be removed, and I had no say in the matter, even though I was awake and they could of asked me.To place this filter they had gone (GUESS) where they were placing it. After that they wheel me back to the recovery room. Now it has been since 10:00 Sunday night since I have had anything to eat or drink and all they give me I a cup of water. I tell them that I am on a all liquid diet and could I at least have some milk. I guess that was asking to much because they said they could not get me any. After a few more hours pass they transfer me to a bigger and more comfortable bed, which I did appreciate, and take me to my new room to spend the night because since they had to guess where they placed the filter they need to take an x-ray the next day to see if it was in the right place. Was it in my head, foot ear nose who knew. So the rest of the night was spent trying to get some sleep between getting woke up every few hours for vitals or blood draws.     


Nov 05, 2006 All you can need. Rules!

Today things are going much better, the jello and pudding along with the broth have been a great help. Guess today all I have to worry about is having that filter put in tomorrow. I don't know much about the operation so I am a bit worried. I wish I didn't have to have it done. 


Nov 04, 2006 All you can need. Rules!

Well day 5 is here,hope its better than yesterday. Last night was rough, I was soooo hungry I was going crazy I tried drinking beef broth but that didn't help much. I thought by now it would be getting easer. It is beginning to stress me out. Stress sure don't help me any because before when I got stressed I ate, and ate to relieve my stress so that just makes it all the worse. I know that I am putting stress on my wife,and I hate it she is so good and supportive to me and I hate myself for that.  The thought crossed my mind last night just to forget it all and not have the surgery. Because it just isn't worth making others suffer for my stress. So I decided to just cry my self to sleep early and start fresh to day and so far to day things are going better.    

Day 4

Nov 03, 2006 All you can need. Rules!

Well as day 4 dawns things are getting easer. I don't feel quite as hungry or miss food as much as the last few days .I started drinking some beef bullion,and that helps a lot it gives me something more than sweet drinks. Today I am at 539 witch is down from 555 from the day I started. Hopefully by surgery day I will be close to 500 where Dr. Hodges wants me to be.  

Day 3

Nov 02, 2006 All you can need. Rules! 

Well day 3 of my liquid protein only diet. My wife and I went food 4 less last night and got some 100% Whey Gold Standard. I got rocky road flavor, and chocolate mint. They both taste good but I like the chocolate mint the best. I could not beleve all the different flavors they have. The prices are cheaper than any place I have seen. We also got some jello and pudding for me to help with the hunger pains and it has helped some.
    Today I also went to the pulmonologist and had my chest x-ray, he said everything looked good and my chances of surgery complications from my lungs are low. He even offered to check in on me on my surgery day. Even if Dr Hodges wanted he would be in the operating room for my surgery. I thought that was very nice of him. 
                                    Until tomorrow    

Day 2

Nov 01, 2006 All you can need. Rules! Well day two of my all liquid diet and man is it getting tough. Slim fast and protine drinks just are not cutting it. My wife is going to get me some Jello to help the hunger pains. I found out today that on the 6 th I will have my filter put in. I have to be at admitting at 9:30, then they will run some tests, and have it installed around 1 and most likley be going home by 4. My wife and I went to sams club last night and got a case of slim fast, bottled water, and flavored water. So I spent the morning getting rid of some food in the fridge to make room for all the stuff. The bad part of going to sams club was having to pass all the fast food joints. That about put me into food shock, guess from now on when we go somewhere I will have to use a blindfold and a close pin on my nose. LOL ttfn

2 weeks away

Oct 31, 2006

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Well today starts my 2 week countdown to my surgery. I am on my all liqued protine drink. Yesterday I went to my all day semanar at St.Johns I learned a lot. I also found out today I will have a filter put in my lungs to prevent blood clots. I know it is going to be tought not eating food before surgery but I am ready for it.


Oct 22, 2006


Oct 21, 2006

I have had my third appointment with Dr. Hodges. Now he and his staffs are getting all my paperwork together to send to my insurance co. Dr. Hodges thinks it will be no problem getting it approved. I am hoping for my surgery late November or early December.

I just found out my insurance (Aetna) has approved my surgery. It only took 9 days for them to approve me. I have an appointment to see Dr. Hodges on the 19th and at that point he will set the date. I thought I was nervous waiting for approval, now the nerves will really kick in for the surgery. I will still have to go to the all day class on Oct 30 so most likely my surgery wont be until after that. That will give me more time to get more weight off for a safer surgery. I am sooooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

 I went to Dr. Hodges yesterday and he set my surgery date for 11/14/06, I guess this will be my rebirth day. Now the butterflies are really flapping. I will need to see a pulmonologist and get a chest X-ray to possible have a filter put in to prevent blood clots. So I guess now my journey begins.

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Springfield, MO
Surgery Date
Nov 07, 2005
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