Finally on the losers bench!

Sep 12, 2014

I made it to the other side, and am feeling great! Looking forward to posting my weight loss results!

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I'm back!

May 26, 2014

I am returning to this site after several years.  I have had other health concerns that caused a delay in being able to obtain a surgery date.  Now I am happy to report that I have been approved and scheduled for RNY surgery on September 8, 2014.  This has been a very long and sometimes discouraging process, but now I am ready to go forward and make all of the changes in my life to be a success! 


Another update

Aug 20, 2010

Ok since it is long overdue that I post something here, so here I am.  I just have been up against a cycle of paperwork delays and mass confusion over getting my PCP to process my referral to the surgical group. Finally as of today they have my referral and I can now start to go forward. First with the orientation on Sept 1st.  At this rate  it will be another 6 months before I can have surgery.  I am both relieved and discouraged at the same time, but still pushing forward. Not much else to say now, just working to lose on my own and keeping my chin up.


The saga continues

Jun 21, 2010

Well, it's been almost 2 months since I made an update here, so I guess, it's time.  So much has been going on, and I just haven't felt up to posting.  The lump in my breast turned out to be just a cyst, however the surgeon wanted me to have it out anyway, as he said they can continue to grow larger. About 3 weeks ago I had it out and further testing on it confirmed there was no cancer. That is a huge relief, but the process was so drawn out and I didn't know the outcome for so long, it became very stressful. Part of the difficulty here where I live is it is so rural, you must wait quite a while to get in to see the right doctors unless it is an emergency. So now I can start to take up my WLS journey again and get back on track. My next appointment with my PCP is on July 8th, hopefully he will then be able to set up my referral to the surgical group for my WLS.  This delay has caused a lot of depression, which I am fighting everyday. Hopefully the next post I make I will have a more clear picture of when I can expect to be scheduled for surgery. Until then all I can do is try to stay positive and focused on the long term goals!  

Time for an update!

Apr 26, 2010

Ok I guess an update to my progress is most definitely due!  Believe it or not I have been waiting since the middle of March to finally get in for a biopsy on a very small lump that was discovered during my pre-op mammogram. Anyway I had the procedure today, so now I have to wait a couple of days more for the results. This has been a long and nerve wracking situation. The results of this test will tell me if I can move forward with WLS, or if I have to deal with a health issue first.  I am optimistic, but at the same time apprehensive.  As soon as I know what the results are I will post them.  In the meantime please keep your fingers and toes crossed for me!Thanks to all who pass my way!  


I've had a little bump in the road

Mar 18, 2010

Well I had to go for a mammogram as part of my pre-op testing, and I was notified yesterday that I must go back for an ultrasound, to check something.  I was told by the tech that did the original test that it is commom to have to go back for another scan so that they can compare images.  I am trying not to be worried or scared, but I am a bit depressed about it all, since this caused a delay in other testing till I get this done and an all clear.  Keep your fingers crossed for me that all is well. 

My Story

Feb 21, 2010

Well I guess my story is like so many others here. I have struggled with being overweight all of my life. Even as a child I was always big and like many others suffered the fate of the "fat kid". At a certain point in my teenage years I stopped weighing myself, this period extended into adulthood. Now let me just say, even though I was always an overweight person, I lived a very active and full life. I had many friends, I dated and did not let my weight stop me from doing anything, at least for a while. The point is even up into my late 30's I did not define myself through being a fat person. In fact I had a great time. I traveled all over the world (was a Travel Agent) and generally had a busy life. As the years went by my work required me to sit all day, and working extended hours I became very sedentary. As the years piled on so did the weight. Fast forward to 2007, here I am in my 50's already having pain in both knees, dealing with high blood pressure, and a lot of depression. To top it off I slipped and fell in my bathroom and popped out my right knee! Ouch!  talk about pain, and it did not get better. So after continuing to try to work on this bad knee I finally go have it checked out and lo and behold, I have stage 4 Osteoarthritis, which means bone on bone, not just in the injured knee, but both knees. Yikes!!!  this isn't going to get better I am told, "you must lose weight" even to have the treatments for the knees.  So here I am I have been researching, reading, talking to friends that have had WLS and doing much soul searching. 
Big decisions like this one are never easy for me, this one has been  especially difficult. Now I am in the preop phase, going through so many tests.  For me the fear is as for many of us, not waking up from the anesthetic. My health is actually pretty good except for the blood pressure so all should be fine, but there is always that what if factor. But I am at the point where it almost doesn't matter, my life has to change.  I am in daily pain because of my knees, and had to go on total disability because of it.  I am going stir crazy and want to get back to work, and if this is the only way to be successful then it's worth it to me.
I don't have a date for surgery yet so, I am going to have to be patient.  But now that I have made the final decision to go forward with this journey I am getting very excited.  I have read many stories written by others here, and have gotten so much information that has helped me.  I really hope I can return the favor to others in the future


About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 14, 2005
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Before & After
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My surgery was RNY on Sept 8th 2014
July 16th 2015

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