April 2009

Apr 03, 2009

Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Christmas was the last time and right before Christmas I found out I was pregnant- a very Merry Christmas!
I am now almost 5 months along with a baby boy and doing GREAT! I was worried that getting pregnant after WLS might be different and the only thing so far that is different is that I am healthier this time, I have gained roughly between 4-7lbs depending on the day and the scale! Which is okay, I will say I do have panic attacks every now then because it is hard to see the scale going the wrong way! I never made it to goal but was in such a better place at 198 then I was at 340 so I am happy with that! I am confident that I can use my tool to lose the extra baby weight when the time comes! My only concern really is the extra skin when it comes to having a c-section so we shall see. I posted some pictures too!

So that is my update for now and I will try to do better!

Christmas 2008

Dec 19, 2008

Well I thought maybe it was time that I updated a little, I am 2 years  and 4 months post op and even though I never my goal I have pretty maintained within the same 5 pounds I hover between 194 and 198 which some days I find extremely annoying but I can only be mad at myself for not doing better at trying to lose! Sadly I can pretty much eat whatever I want, sometimes I really regret it. For the most part however I do pretty good on the eating I just suck royally with the exercise...like I have never!
I am working on trying to have one last baby these days as my biological clock is ticking away! I find the pregnancy after weight loss board to be a great place for support!
Well I guess that is about it for now!
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and success on wherever you may be in your journey!!

An overdue post about me!

Nov 03, 2008

Well let's see I am pretty much maintaing my weight loss and I will say that I should be doing better at what I am eating! I have the same 5lbs that I gain and lose every month especially when my monthly friend comes! I have been stuck here for a while now but haven't really done anything to get past it! I am have recently been diagnosed with depression which I knew I had but didn't do anything but I have now started on antidepressants and I really hope that it can help get myself back on track! Don't get me wrong I am happy with this weight loss of roughly 140 pounds but would really like to go lower or get to a point where I don't dwell on it all the time!

We are also still trying to have that one last baby but it has been a year since a miscarriage and nothing to post about! I am going to an RE next week and hope they can help us!
As always hopefully if you are reading this trying to figure out what the right thing is for you as far as WLS I hope you find what you are looking for because this surgery saved my life...I know!!

2 Years Post Op Today

Sep 06, 2008

Well here we are, TWO years post op and me well under 200 pounds for the first time in 17 years! It feels great! I am still not at my surgeons goal but I don't beat myself up about it! The fact that I can maintain my weight means the world to me! I am such a healthier person now!

June 2008

Jun 22, 2008

So lets see...I am still hovering between 191 and 192 I will say I am a snacker in the evening otherwise I do pretty good on eating! Exercise on the other hand I don't do!

Right now we are TTC and having no luck and it totally sucks as I am 38 and time is ticking but I am at a strange spot in my life, as much as I really want to have a baby I don't want to do full blow fertility drugs again! I was so thrilled when we got pregnant last Sept. and then only to have a miscarriage I was really hoping that we would get pregnant that fast again but no such luck yet! I do go to the doctor in July for some testing so we shall see!

May 2008

May 12, 2008

Well let's see I just finished up a 5dpt and it was way harder than I thought that it would be! The liquid days holy cow I guess I didn't realize how much I LOVE carbs!  But I made it through and lost 3.5 pounds! I would have loved to lose more but I will take  what I can get, I had recently gained 2 pounds so losing is good, I hate to see the scale move the wrong way!

So we are currently TTC and not having much luck so I think that affects my losing and takes me back to some of my older habits where food was my comfort, I have to remind myself that I am NOT hungry and to do something to take my mind else where!

So to wrap things up I started at 329, I am currently 192 and my goal is 170, after losing 138lbs, 22 doesn't seem like much! I will get there one day! One fine day!!

18 months post op

Mar 12, 2008

Not really losing but  not gaining either so that is good! I am hovering around 194lbs. It was exciting though because I am able to buy a size 14, some 16 still fit but being able to buy clothes and try them on and they are too big is so much FUN!

We are still TTC that one last baby! No such luck to date! I am trying not to get discouraged but is very hard!

I still have bouts of depression that I was really hoping that having the WLS would make them go away but it no, so at all of my problems didn't have to do with my weight but I will say that all around I am a much happier person weighing less!

Until next time!

16 Months post op

Jan 07, 2008

Well here we are 16 months post op, I have lost 134lbs, not exactly "goal" but sure as heck beats 329lbs where I was before!  At 13 months post op something amazing happened, for the first time in 16 years we found out we were pregnant on our own, no doctors help! Sadly I did have  a miscarriage but I do have a positive attitude in regards to the fact that not only did the surgery help me to be a healthier person, losing the weight made me able to conceive again and I had just figured that would not be in my future.
We are now trying to conceive again and if it is meant to be I know it will happen!
In the mean time I am going to try and stay focused on getting my protein and water/fluids in each day! One day I might even get my butt in gear to exercise like I should!

14 months post op

Nov 07, 2007

Well here we are 14 months post op and total loss of 132lbs! I am so glad that I am still losing! Slow and I do mean slow but as long as that scale is going down I am A-Okay! Things have been wacko the last few weeks, we found out we were pregnant for the first time in 16 years on our own only to have a miscarriage, it has been hard but I am so thrilled to think that my body is actually working right!  We will be trying again as soon as we get the green light!
Tonight was one of those moments that I was SO glad I had WLS, I was able to actually get out on the soccer field and play in the parents verses kid game! It was great and my little girl was so excited! It just makes my choice so much better!

Thursday Sept 6, 2007 ONE YEAR OUT

Sep 08, 2007

Well the big one year anniversary has arrived!
I have lost 124 pounds! Not to goal yet but not too bad I don't think! I have about 35ish pounds to go and that seems doable!

I was hoping to be in a better place mentally as I thought being fat was all the problems and now of course that was just part of my "issues" but I think by over coming one HUGE problem enables me to see things more clearly and now I am working on the other things that cause depression!

About Me
Winder, GA
Nov 05, 2003
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 35
An overdue post about me!
2 Years Post Op Today
June 2008
May 2008
18 months post op
16 Months post op
14 months post op
Thursday Sept 6, 2007 ONE YEAR OUT
