6 Month supervised program started today.

Jul 13, 2006

7-13-06 -Went today to my Dr.s office to start my 6-month  supervised program. I told her that I will be going to Weight Watchers Monday and will start their program and will back to her next month. I hope I can lose some weight while waiting and I really don't know what the insurance  will expect me to do . I have to look that  this  is God's timing and not mine. He knows all and I have trusted him all my life and was not going to stop now.

I'm Denied :(

Jul 10, 2006

7-10-06 -Well today I didn't get good news. My insurance denied me and said I have to go on a 6-month supervised diet. They listed alot of the ones I had already tried but it had to be more recent. I also have to weigh-in at my Dr.s office each month. So I am very disappointed and very frustration that I have to pay a go to one of these places.So I immediately  made a  appointment with my Dr.

Support Meeting

Jun 22, 2006

6-22-06 -Tonight I went to the  support meeting. I want to go as often as I can so my mind will stay focused on my  journey and know what I need to do. I think alot of this process is keeping your mind on your goal and realizing this is going to be a life changing event. I have to be honest sometimes it's scary for me. You always wonder if you can do this and will you have the same struggles like before. I read that you do but if you stay with your guidelines on eating you will do good. But is not that with every program that we've tried? I know its not a easy journey but I have to trust my in my faith that God will help me on this journey .

Susan called! Papers are sent to Insurance Co.

Jun 20, 2006

6-20-06 - Susan our nurse coordinator finally called to tell me my papers were sent in and that it could take 30 days for a answer. Lord I hope not when you finally make a decision to have this surgery you want it right then but it don't work that way. She told me my surgery date is set for Aug.21 . Boy I hope I hear some good news soon.

Encouraging Support Meeting

May 18, 2006

5-18-06 - Attended a support meeting so many have lost so much weight they look so different and feel so much better. It is so encouraging to hear this and just makes me want to have my now. But I'm patiently waiting for my papers to be sent in to my insurance.I have heard from others that getting all the information ready to send takes a while. 

Another Support Meeting

Apr 27, 2006

4-27-06 -Attended  a support meeting and each time I go I leave feeling like I have made the right decision.

Nutritionist Visit

Mar 28, 2006

3-29-06 - Today I went to the nutritionist and it went very well. We discussed food changes and good choices I will need to make  for me to be successfully.Sounds like a familiar plan  but this time  I will have a little pouch to help me.

I met Dr. Fuzz

Mar 23, 2006

3-24-06  -Well today I met my surgeon for the first time I had seen him at meetings but had not talked to him. He is a cutie and is the age of my son 37. He was highly recommended and has performed hundreds of surgeries already. He has a great support system and attends most of the meetings.He went over everything and checked me over and said I would be a good candidate for this surgery.I also found out he lived in my neighborhood and I told him if I had problems I would just come to his door. Just kidding though. I feel real safe with him and know I have made the right choice.

Psyc appointment with Dr. Smith

Mar 19, 2006

Today is when I went to my first  appointment with Dr. Smith. He was very nice and easy to talk to . He asked many questions and concluded that I was mentally ready for this surgery.

I sent my Packet!

Feb 22, 2006

2-23-06 -  After prayer and really searching for as much information I can  I did with great excitement turn my information packet in and was eager to get this moving.

About Me
Winston Salem, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 02, 2005
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61/2 weeks post op
3- week Post-op
