Quick little update ...

Nov 19, 2009

Well I haven't blogged anything in a couple months, so figured I'd put an update up.  It's been about four and a half months since my surgery and man do I love the sleeve.  I am now down 106 pounds since the surgery and 136 lbs total!! My energy is through the roof, and I'm just loving all the results of this weight loss.  I know I am preaching to the choir, but the sleeve rocks!! Anyways, I will be uploading some fresh pictures once i reach my 5 month surgiversary :) Until then, be good.


Aug 30, 2009

So just to update, I was hovering around 387 for like 10 straight days getting really pissed off. The only new thing I was incorporating in my diet was watermelon, strawberries, and nectarines. Well it took me a little while to find out, but I realized that all these fruits are very high in sugar, which is not what I need. So I am happy to say that I have slowed down on those fruits and my weight loss has began again!! Down to 383.5 now, and feeling damn good.  I'm fitting into smaller clothes now, damn it feels awesome!!

One month surgiversary!!

Aug 10, 2009

Kicking butt and taking names baby!! I am feeling pretty damn good.  Energy level seems to be getting back up and I am now out of the 400's forever!!! Today I am tipping the scales at 394.4 lbs. Thats a total of 74.6 lbs and since the surgery thats 44.6 lbs.  I am loving these damn results :)
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One week surgiversary ..

Jul 15, 2009

Well it has officially been one week since i've had my VSG done.  I am happy to say I am already down 20 pounds since last Wed.  This brings my total weight loss up to 50 pounds .. It's beggining to get a little easier to get my liquids and stuff in .. I started my multivitamins back up a couple days ago, and today I am going to start drinking my whey protein shakes.  Still dont feel like my old self but I guess that will come soon.
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Surgery is done, I'm back home ..

Jul 10, 2009

Well I had my sleeve done on Wed.  Everything went well just having terrible pains from gas trapped in my stomach. It sucks :( I hav ent been feeling to good with it but I've been staying hydrated the best I can, and walking multiple times a day.   I've also been taking milacon drops to try and get rid of this gas. UGGG hopefully it will go away shortly :(

Had my preopp today ..

Jul 01, 2009

Well, today I had my preopp and everything went well .. I officially weighed in at 441 which means I have already lost 19 pounds on my low carb diet .. I am hoping hoping hoping to get down to 430 by next Wed. but that could be a stretch .. Anyways everything went well today and now my surgery is less than a week away!! AHHHHH haha

Feelin pretty good ..

Jun 29, 2009

Got on the scale on Friday and I was around 442 .. so I am down about 18 pounds right now .. I will weigh in again tommorow morning hopefully at around 440 or less .. I am hoping to be at 430 for my surgery next Wed. .. I have my pre-op this Wed. .. Just wanted to update yall :) Hope everyones doing well

Quick update ..

Jun 14, 2009

Well tommorow will make a week of being on my low carb diet.  I'll let yall know how many lbs. I lose.  Less than 30 days to my sleeve biotches!!!

Hello All ..

Jun 02, 2009

Hey everyone, just trying to get a better feel for the website.  I did my doctor consult and signed all the consent forms last week.  I met Dr. Lavin, my surgeon, and was very pleased.  He made me feel extremely comfortable and confident in his ability to do a great job operating on me.  I am scheduled to get my VSG done on Wed. July 8, 2009!!! Super exited about releasing the whole new person that is trapped underneath the weight    

About Me
Kenner, LA
Surgery Date
Jun 01, 2009
Member Since

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