More rolling

Jul 08, 2009

Well the offical weight loss is 7 pounds.  I can't believe that is it.  I've been super low carbing and high water intake for a long time to only get 7.  I remember my first week of WW used to be like 11 or something. 

So anyhow Dr M says she'll arrange for everything on the pre-op list.  Woo Hoo.

Maybe most of it can be done this month.  I think it was all fairly easy except for the cardiac and who knows how far out they are scheduling.  But maybe if I have everything done except that I can go ahead and get a date.

How I'm going to loose between 20 and 40 lbs by Sept 1 is anybody's guess.  I don't think I can do it.


Rolling along

Jul 07, 2009

So my friends who are about  30 lbs overwieght are certain that I am no more overwieght than they are.  Perceptions are odd.  Wonder how they would like to have my extra 70 lbs on top of what they are carrying?

Got my second psych eval scheduled today.  Quite by chance it is the same day as a support group in Marietta so I will get to go to two support groups there this month, plus one or two in Asheville.

I've lost about 10 lbs and I really feel a lot better.  I have more energy.  I'm sleeping better.  And  that is only  10  lbs.    I can't wait to  see NORMAL weight again!!!

I see Dr M tomorrow to get the rest of the pre-ops  scheduled.  So the process is rolling along.

They memorialized  Michael Jackson  today.  His poor children.  I pray there is no tug of war over them.


I get so happy to get mail from the surgeon

Jul 03, 2009

I know this is really silly.  But getting some mail from the surgeon's office just makes me smile.  Today I got two forms to sign allowing them to bill Medicare.   No big deal, but just concrete black andwhite evidence that this is really going to happen.

It even makes my pre-op diet EASIER.  It was like a little message saying KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO GET TO HAVE A DS.

Smiles all around.

Oh Julie, can't you just be supportive?

Jul 02, 2009

I don't know what your problem is Julie.  But I'mstarting to think you have some severe jealousy going on because I am getting a DS and  you gave yourself an RNY.  Why in the world would you give me this statement:

>>>if you say that you have some type of medicaid that lets you have the surgery with no type of  approval great.  I am just saying that I have never heard of that and have seen literally hundreds of people go through the process of WLS.  You have nothing to prove to me.  If that is the way it is then that is the way it is.

More power to you, good luck on your journey.<<<

I feel badly for you.  Really.

But back to me lol:

I went to the Asheville Mission support group last night and had a BLAST.  I laughed SO hard!!  And I learned a lot about protien supplements.  I will go to the next one later this month and take Tom as thespouses there were welcomed.

I am coming right along with scheduling my consults, even tho I haven't had the official consult with Dr S.  Today I got my psych consult scheduled inMarietta on a day when a support group meets.  So I can drivedown and kill 2 birds and hopefully drive back the same day.  Yeah!!

So I think I can take a few days off from phone calls for the holiday weekend and on Monday I have my consult with Dr S.  After that I should know for certain what other tests I have to have.  Let's hope for as few as possible!!!



Wondering if there is any data

Jul 01, 2009

So is there really any data that shows that a psych eval can really predict whether someone will be compliant with weight loss surgery?

I spent today trying to find a psychologist who accepts Medicare.  Fortunately I did find one of Dr S's list and she even gave me the number for her billing person so I can find out exactly what it will cost me.

So hopefully tomorrow I will get it scheduled on a day when they have a support group meeting.  I had to email someone with Dr S to find out the time of one of the meetings as it was left off the handout.

Tonight I'm going to a support group in Asheville, but I doubt it will be very helpful since the DS isn't even done in Asheville.

I also saw what the California Insurance Department wrote to a patient in a letter telling her that her insurance denial was overturned.  It was very clear that the literature shows that the DS is superior not only for weight loss but for resolution of co-morbidities as well.

I'm wearing a pair of jeans I couldn't get in to a week ago, so my little bit of weight loss has very much helped in termsof wardrobe for the moment.  In a ayear I won't be able to wear these jeans again, but for a better reason.


No help but no negativity from the shrink

Jun 30, 2009

Well I saw my shrink.  She wasn't much help as she couldn't even name a psychologist that she could refer me to for the psych eval.  Tom was floored.

She did give me a few klonopin which I know I will need for the nerves once it gets close and guaranteed that she would call me back if I call her and need help after.

I met a person online who lives here in town who hooked me up with the A'ville support groups which are tomorrow.  I htink I was supposed to call to tell them I am coming.  Better do that in the morning.

So I just emailed her and asked who she used.

I know that N. used one from Dr S's list but if I remember correctly she didn't recommend them.  I would rather see someone local so maybe the woman here in town will know someone.

I can try the NC forum too.

My diet has ripped my poor tummy to shreds.  I mean HORRIBLE  "D".  I've taken 5 immodium today and may never poop again lol.  I am supposed to loose at least (a minimum) of 40 lbs before surgery.  I haven't lost that much wieght in a very long time.  I have to do it.  So I am low carbing it.  I think I've lost about 3 lbs.... not very good.


Feel like I'm "doing stuff."

Jun 30, 2009

I have an appointment for my surgical consult .
I have an appointment with Dr M to order/prescribe the pre-ops
I have an appointment with a pulmonologist
I have the info on the local support group and will start by going tomorrow.
I will be asking the pdoc for a referral to a psychologist today when I see her.
I started exercising today.
I am really trying to do a low carb diet.

I need to make an appointment with a lawyer.
I need to make an appointment with a psychologist.

I'll find out for sure if I need the following when I talk with the surgeon:
Ultrasound of gallbladder
Upper GI

Then that will leave labs and the nutrititonist consult (which I will do by phone).

So this is looking quite doable.

I like days when I either schedule something or actually have an appointment much better than the waiting days.

Pretty cool.
1 comment

I shouldn't have been suprised

Jun 27, 2009

A year ago or so when Julie was bragging about her weight loss I asked her about it and she was very negative and said she did not recommend that I persue it. 

Recently I have posted for help with planning for any bipolar fall out that may happen after surgery and she posted a long scathing attack on the DS, on OH, and on me really:

though and I felt compelled to respond.

First - Obesity is NOT a reliable source of information.  Do not take it as such.  Those members are posting their opinions and there is a group of them who tout the doudonal switch as the greatest thing in the world.  It is not.  It is a very complicated and difficult surgery and it is highly unlikely that your insurance will approve it over gastirc bypass or lap band, which are both safer and less complicated.  They fail to mention the three people whom I have seen die from the surgery since  have been reading on that board.  I personally think that a large majority of the members there are frigging idiots.

"After my wieght is lost I can eat any food, and approximatley 1/2 -2/3 of the amount of food I used to eat. "

That is bull.  You'll gain the weight back if you eat crap, even with the DS.  Check out a DSer named Leanne and see how big she looks in her current picture. She has gained back at leat 50 pounds.  Also, I eat pretty much whatever I want with my gastric bypass.  Just less .  I eat around 1700 calories a day, which is plenty.  I have been in China for well over a month and eaten every single food put in front of me.  I just don't eat as much, and I don't eat garbage any more.

Second - The duodanl switch is a major, major srugery.  they actually remove most of your stomach as opposed to the gastric bypass, which sections it off but leaves all your internal organs inside you.  I personally would never, ever get it.  My gastric bypass has been great.  The illusion that DS people give you that they eat whatever they want, blah blah blah is a myth.  I still have my entire stomach and can have my surgery completely reversed.  Once you get DS, 3/4 of your stomach is removed.  That is a huge difference.  What are you going to do if something happens and you need the rest of your stomach back?  By the way, you do know that if you go back to smoking after DS you will ulcerate you stomach and could kill yourself right?

Third - the lap band is very, very effective for a lot of people as long as you follow the plan.  Personally, I think you should seriously consider that option given your age and the fact that you smoke.  It is a very simple outpatient procedure and carries the least risk.  It also really does work for people who follow the plan.  It can also be removed very easily if you need it to be.  You just have to follow the plan and will not get the "quick fix", but it is an excellent weight management tool.  Also, there is no malabsorption, and you really don't want high malabsoprtion unless you are planning to stop your meds, because they won't work.

Fourth - the rate of malabsorption with DS is extremely high.  That is why people who get it get malnutrition etc.  Why would you want that if you are taking meds?

I can't tell you what to do.  But the bottom line is that you are going to have to change your eating habits even with weight loss surgery.  You need to deal with your food problem.  It doesn't go away.  I still cope with my compulsive eating every single day and I am down 135 pounds.  The surgery is a tool, not a cure.  Any person with a DS who tells you otherwise is full of crap.  There is no miracle cure.  You have to deal with your food problem.

You should take six months to really think about what surgery you want and another six to do a medically supervised diet.  You might find that you will lose the weight on your own and not need surgery at all. 

Really, really think this over and do not make an impulsive choice.  If  I have scared you with my post, I don't regret it.  My surgeon scared the hell out of me at my first consult because this is a major decision that carried the risk of death and other complications.   I chose the surgery that was right for me but it was a long and well though out choice.

I encourage you to do the same.

We can talk about it more when I get home July 10th if you want.
She attacked the DS forum members.  She said if I start smoking again I will get an ulcer.  And that I can't take seroquel after having a DS.   She even used my age against me.  So I know she is misinformed.

I just wish she could be supportive.  What is the psychology behind that?  She is the only one worthy of loosing weight?

Oh well.



Received the packet

Jun 26, 2009

Well the packet came today.  Looks like a lot of hoops.

EKG, chest xray, upper GI, labs, ultrasound of gallbladder

Letter from pcp


Proof of 2 support group meetings (one of which can be from here on OH).




Good grief.  I'm going to be busy. 

Becky (starting to schedule pre-ops) in NC

I told Tom

Jun 24, 2009

Well that was easy.  He doesn't care.  He asked what would happen to my moods and I thought that was a good question.  I'll talk to the psychiatrist next week abouta plan and I will also probably email Dr Harwood once it gets closer.  I've also asked the question on the bipolar forum so we will see if anyone responds there.

Got my 3rd dot on the quit forum today.  Three weeks.  Good for me.


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