2 years post op

Mar 15, 2005

March 16, 2005
Oh my, I did not realize it has been so long since I updated. Life is just grand! I get emails from people from all over this great country of ours and I am so honored that you have taken the time to contact me.

I have lost a total of 164 pounds plus the 45 prior to surgery!  My weight is 162  and my two year anniversary is around the corner. April 8th, 2003 was my re-birth! The only regret I have is not having it done sooner, but then I would not have had the BEST surgeon. The Best was worth waiting for!!!

The past few months I have been working really hard at trying to get new things going for our local support group, New Beginnings. Everything just seems to be falling right into place.

We will begin to meet the first Saturday of each month from 10-2 at the Tyler Center. Also, we have a yard sale planned for April 23rd from 7-3. Here is the letter I sent out in regards to that: Hello Everyone!

Warmer weather is around the corner and what do you think of at that time??? YARD SALES! YARD SALES! YARD SALES! New Beginnings is looking forward to hosting our first “F.F.P. (Former Fluffy People) Plus Size Yard Sale”. We will be advertising this in the Anniston Star, Gadsden Times, and Buy Sell Bulletin and on local radio and television stations.

Our “F.F.P. Plus Size Yard Sale” will be on Saturday, April 23, 2005 from 7 AM to 3 PM. It will be at The Tyler Center Parking Garage, compliments of Regional Medical Center. We will use the first floor for parking and the 2nd and 3rd floor for vendors.

Vendors need to arrive at 6 AM and be READY TO GO at 7 AM. We will donate any clothing/items that people don't want to take home to an organization that assists disadvantaged people. So -you can take your leftovers home or leave them for donation.

We will be collecting the money for your space as you enter the sale on Saturday morning. There is no need to prepay. We will confirm spaces via email before the sale. (Please send an email to myself at [email protected] to reserve your space.) Spaces are 10 feet long and will accommodate a regular size folding table. You may purchase more than one space but must have a minimum of 15 pieces of plus size clothing for sale per space. Regular size folding tables will be available for you to use. You are certainly welcome to use your own tables and or clothing racks if you feel this would work better for you. At the end of the day you will donate 10% of your sales and receive a tax deductible receipt for your space fee ($15.00 per space) and for your 10% donation. It's a wonderful way to sell your clothes, buy others and enable our support group to fund social events and other benevolent causes. Reserve your space today as spaces are limited and will be available on a first come first serve basis. In event of rain we will still be able to have our sale here without having to reschedule.

In addition to selling plus size clothing you are welcome to sell household items, collectibles, regular size clothing, shoes, handbags, baby clothing and other baby items, DVD's, CDs and small electronics. Just remember - you must have a minimum of 15 pieces of plus size clothing per space. All items for sale should be clean and in good condition. Ask yourself: Would I buy this item or this quality item? You will price your own items and collect your own money. It will also be necessary for you to bring your own change as change will not be available. You should also provide bags for your customers to have something to carry their purchased items in.

Remember that each of you represent the entire weight loss surgery community. There will likely be individuals at this event who may consider weight loss surgery. Please be mindful of what you eat and drink and avoid junk food and carbonated beverages. You are role models.

With all of this being said...Let's go shopping!!!

Well, I will close for now. May God continue to bless each of you in your journey and as always, if I can be of help to you please email me. Skinny Wishes ~

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Bradley going to his Junior Prom ~ April 9th, 2005


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 22, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
First visit to Dr. Freeman's office. 2/03
Jan. 23, 2005

Friends 133

Latest Blog 21
Sept 2006
Winter 2005
June 2005
Happy New Year 2005
