Well as far back as I can remember I have  been the fat kid  so I never remember a time I wasn’t fat  I was wearing size 18 by the time I was in high school  I tired ever diet known  and would always lose some but always gained it back and them some  fast forward to  3 years ago  left Oregon to get out of a bad relationship and that is when I really started to think about this surgery   but was still to scared to do it   then my sister friend had it I seen how good she was doing it and started to think more about it  but still just thinking then my sister came to me and said she was going to have the surgery  and was telling me about all the people she knows that has had it  show me pics and told me they were all doing great me my fear  become less and I decide to have it to I just couldn’t live like this any more  I could barely walk without a lot of pain



Went to see my regular dr today ask about the wls she said yes and sent me to see DR. Juarez. Got papers from the office today to fill out and send back.  The office call me with my appointment I go in for a seminar and personal consultation on March 14/06



Went to the seminar today  got a lot of information  and then the DR  came out and talked to us I except a older guy but he was younger   and not bad looking  lol   he was very nice and  answer everyone questions  next we  got call in to talk to him one on one   when he talked to me he told me I have to lose 10 pounds and quit smoking  ugh that is going to be hard  but I can do it  later in the month I had my  other appointments with my nutrition and psychiatrists  and my labs I was all ready except my letter from my regular  DR.



I called the DR. today to see what was going on and was told they haven’t got my latter from the pcp yet and for me to call her so I did and she made me appointment to come see her she told me she wouldn’t fill it out until I was smoke free for 3 months ugh road block here I thought any day now but no 3 more months 



After a month of complaining I finally put down the cigs   was way hard and nobody wanted to be around me but I did it 



Made an appointment with my PCP to tell her I’m smoke free for 3 months and get her to write the letter she did and woot   back in the game. Called and talked to Claudia at DR. Juarez office she said she hasn’t got the letter. Man my DR. is so slow 



Called and talked to Claudia at DR. Juarez office she said she has the letter and sent it of to be approved and I would hear something soon  


Claudia called me I got approved she wants me to come in for a pre-op on the 19th and surgery is on the 25th wow this is happen so fast   omg   I’m also there  


I went to my pre op today and then over to get more blood work done and get all set for surgery on the 25th wow I can’t believe it almost here 


About Me
Sep 24, 2006
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 1
150 pounds gone forever
