Jul 19, 2011

Hello everyone, I got approved on July 7th, 2011 for my RNY gastric bypass surgery. WOW!!! Yippee!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I have waited a year and a half to get that phone call and I finally did. I cried on the phone and the lady at the surgeons office said "your going to make me cry", but just so I am clear it was tears of joy because I have fought long and hard to get approved. After doing everything they told me to do for a year, they submitted it to the insurance, I waited for 45 days and then insurance co. denied me, then I had to appeal it, so I waited another 30 days for them to tell me they lost my paper work/ mis-communication with the insurance co., so i had to see the surgeon, nurse, dietitian, and the behavioral specialist one more time before they could resubmit it, so I seen all of them and they resubmitted it, therefore I waited almost 30 more days and I got the fantastic phone call on a Thursday which was July 7th, 2011. Now I have to go to a pre opt class on July 21st and then about a week after that see the surgeon one more time and then get a surgery date after seeing him. I cant wait I am so excited. I didn't think I was going to get approved, but I did. God answered my prayers. and you know I think that there was a underlying reason why I had to wait this long, I think it had to do with faith and God and him deciding the right time for me to have it. I just hope that I get to have it by Aug 22 which is when my RN nursing program classes start and on AUG 16th I have a orientation to go to that is to do with nursing that I cant miss, so I am so worried that I am not going to be able to get this done by the time classes start. This is hard because I cant miss any nursing classes that I am aware of, but I am going to talk to the director and see about it, just in case I don't have the surgery done by Aug 22, 2011. Well that's all for now, I will try to update my blog more, anyone that reads this I hope you enjoyed it and please feel free to leave a comment and please be nice but honest also. I cant wait until surgery, I am so excited but scared also of complications and dying, but I think I will be okay and that God will watch over me, but you can keep me in your prayers. The hospital and the surgeon I chose are both excellent and have a good record, so I think I am going to be okay. I guess the nervousness is part of the process and my journey.


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2010
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