
Apr 19, 2008

I got a few more cals in..  I tried, dammit, I really did.  But the only way to up my cals is to up my carbs.  And since I don't know my magic carb number, I don't know if I should be concerned or not.  Blah.

Oh, and I weighed today (I'm keeping Fridays as my official weigh-in day).  245.5.  WooT!  I set myself a mini goal to be at 244.5 by May 1st, and it looks like I'm going to make it.

And my shoes?  OMG.  They were so worth the cash I spent (which wasn't bad since they were last year's style).  I didn't even run today, but noticed a *huge* difference on the elliptical.  I'm so glad I went out and got them!

3/4 chocolate protein pudding -- Kaitlin helped herself to some of it
flatbread mozzerella pizza
grilled chicken fillet w/3oz baby carrots
1/2 c fage and sf raspberry preserves (2nd time I got sick off this combo.. guess the raspberry and I don't like each other..)
SlimFast meal bar

931cal  30.5g fat  74g carb  92.5g protein  15.75g fiber

I listened to the rules for the 5k-couch program and didn't jog today.  But I did 30 min on the ellipitcal (even went up a few levels to really push myself), and about 20 min lower body weights.

Accountability and Friday Weigh In

Apr 18, 2008


So I've got new shoes now.. It was amazing.. when I put them on they just felt *right*.  I had tried on another pair, and they were ok, but these were truly amazing.  I think my routine will be much better with these on my feet.  I'm not 'sposed to run today based on that plan, but I might just do it anyway.

So make this make sense.. I only had 600 cal yesterday, but was completely satiated.  So should I eat even if I'm not hungry?  I can't wrap my head around this fact simply because this is how I got fat in the first place.  I know it's not quite the same thing, but still.  I find when I eat more, I'm hungry more.. probably the starvation-mode thing again.  I promise I'll try and do better today

1c coffee
Breakfast pita w/1 egg beater, mozzie cheese, and 1 slice turkey bacon
0% fage w/ SF blackberry preserves
grilled chicken fillet
chocolate protein pudding

600cal  16g fat  24.62g carbs  72.53g protein  3.5g fiber

20 min treadmill w/6 min jogging, 15 min upper body weights (taking less and less time to do my weight circuit)

Have a good day, all!


Apr 16, 2008

Is it morning yet?  First cup of coffee down, maybe another?  We'll see.

I've found (via some help on the Fitness forum) a training program to start jogging.  I'm going to start it today and see how it goes.  It takes 9wks, assuming you can progress at the same rate as on paper.. but can take longer if need be.  If anyone is interested in reading more about it, it's at  Since I go to the gym 6x/wk and this recommends only running 3x/wk, I'll be mixing up my cardio a bit.  I've also been reading that our bodies get used to the same routines, and to maximize the time at the gym, we need to mix up our routines regularly.  So maybe this will help.

I've received an email response from a nut. I called.  I've sent her my questions, including those on the carb cycling (will let you know, Laurie).  I hope she can answer them via email rather than a visit to her office.  It's not that I mind going in.. it's just that I'd have to park Kaitlin at a day care and do it with Daniel in tow (I still don't trust some people to care for him, yet..).  We'll see if the electronic consult is enough.

I didn't get enough cals in yesterday, again.  Not purposeful, I can assure you.  I thought about eating a meal replacement bar.. but I wasn't hungry and they have 25-30g carbs.. Seemed like alot of carbs for when I wasn't hungry.  

vanilla protein pudding
flatbread mozzie pizza
0% fage w/ SF peach preserves
grilled chicken fillet

735 cal  25g fat  46.5g carb  80g protein  12g fiber

15 min treadmill work, with 4.5 min jogging, 5 min life cycle, 15 min elliptical, and only 10 min lower body weights (my legs were bitching at me.. I couldn't finish my routine)  (545 cal)

Something I need to do is get a new pair of shoes.  My athletic shoes are over 4 yrs old, and they aren't designed for running.  I need someone who *knows* running shoes, and that means somewhere other than here.  I'm going to Raleigh on Saturday for a WLS support meeting, but I might just go today to get shoes.  I dunno.

Hope everyone has a great day.. it's supposed to be around 80 this afternoon.. so if the headache stays away and we don't head to Raleigh, we'll probably go outside sometime during the day to bask.


Apr 16, 2008

I've got emails into my old Nut. and I hope to hear back from her today or tomorrow (only in the office Wed. and Thurs) and an email into an excercise physiologist to ask her some questions as well.  I've also at least started my blog on my profile, and I have my weight tracker going as well.  Plus, I've set a mini-goal of a 5lb loss (244.5) by May 1st.  It should be pretty realistic knowing that I did 10 in a month (actually, I weighed later in the day, and had "lost" another half pound.. I'm heavier when I get up for some reason).

I think I have strep starting.. I've never had it before, though.  I have the sorest throat.. it's *really* painful.  I've got some lidocaine cough drops, so I'll be doing some of those after I get some warm tea down.

Enough crap about me.. on to my accountability!

SoBe Meal replacement bar
2% Fage w/SF vanilla syrup
6oz. shrimp w/cocktail sauce
2c (or so) fresh strawberries
vanilla protein pudding

814 cal  15.46g fat  87.90g protein  13.49g fiber

30 min on elliptical trainer, 25 min upper body weight training (837 cal)

Ok, I know.. I "starved" myself yesterday.  I was in my gyn's waiting room for over 3 hours trying to get into my 1pm appt.  Didn't even get back home until 5:30.  No food, no drink.. sure didn't think I'd be cooling my heels so long.

One of my questions to my nut. will be about "carb cycling".. I'm not sure if it will help me, but I'm exploring it.

A blog? Really? Wow.

Apr 15, 2008

Okay, so I've been a member since.. forever.. and not filled out anything here.  It's part of my goals to start blogging and keeping a good track on the next stage of my bypass journey.

Those that know me know my story.

I got pregnant 13 mo out from open RNY, and had a *horrible* pregnancy.  I used food to comfort me while I suffered from severe hypoglycemia and really bad daily migraines.  But I had a healthy little girl, and it was worth the 60lbs I packed on.  30 dropped instantly.. and I was working on the last 30 when I got pregnant again.  See above.. bad me bad!  Gained 60, again.. dropped 20 without trying, and have recently lost 10 in a month as I got back on track.

So now, I'm working out 6x /wk, watching my diet *very* closely, getting back to basics, and starting all over again.  I have to work harder than I did in the beginning.. but my tool is still there.  I just have to keep going and stay encouraged to stay on plan.  Sure, I thought about revision.. but I won't even consider it until I know I can't do it again.. and I think I can.

So I'll be weighing in every day (but posting on Fridays), taking my body fat level from a bio-impedance monitor (and posting on Fridays), and journalling my excercise and food intake with some buds over on the Post-op Preggie board.

I'm not a blogger.. so we'll see how often I post.  I plan on doing it at least once a week, tho.. if nothing else than to monitor my own progress.  Suggestions, comments, etc are always welcomed.

About Me
Wilson, NC
Apr 08, 2004
Member Since

Friends 435

Latest Blog 95
Citracal Bone Density Builder
Calcium absorption
Gummy Vite comparison
My supplements
Postop Supplementation Costs
Comparing several chewable vites
