Leslie P. 18 years, 3 months ago

Ashleigh,I had my surgery a year ago now.I can still remember very well how I felt right after surgery.My surgery was open and was complicated by lots of adhesions left from previous abd. surgeries.I so remember what it was like to not be able to eat anything different.Iremember thinking every day for 3 weeks what have I done?Things will start improving.It may be slow going at first as far as getting to feeling better,but it will happen.Just go slow and allow yourself the time and space to heal.Own your feelings they are perfectly normal.Good luck and know that there are lot's of people wishing you the best and praying for your rapid healing and great success.

LunchladyG 18 years, 3 months ago

Congratulations Ashleigh!!! Welcome to the losing side. I 've only been here three months myself, so I can tell you that it gets better every day. Take it easy. Let yourself heal, sip..sip...sip...walk...walk...and before you know it , you're gonna be felling great! You take care now. Lunchlady

cajungirl 18 years, 3 months ago

Ashleigh, sorry you aren't feeling well. It gets better honey, stay postive and get some rest. Each week you'll see a change...Welcome to the losing side. You're in my prayers for a quick recovery. Hugs, Dana

donnafc 18 years, 3 months ago

Hi Ashleigh, It takes a while for things to settle in. I was disappointed in not being able to simply drink tap water. I could only drink one sip at a time. Now things are much better. I am at 5 months. I really don't get sick and have learned what to eat and what to avoid. good luck donna

marleneclick 18 years, 3 months ago

Hi Ashleigh, hang in there, it'll get better. Just don't panic. Chewable pepcid helps when the pouch is upset. I'm praying for Jesus to help you. God Bless. Marlene, WV

Kitty_B 18 years, 3 months ago

Hi Ashleigh! Just a note to say that many people are thinking of you and wishing and praying good things for you. This first period of time will seem to go slow but there are better things coming for you, and soon. You will look back and think "OH I didn't think I would make it!" But then you will look at your reflection and say "But I did, and look at me now!" Not to mention the wonderful health benefits. So be brave and write when you feel like it. We're cheering for you! Kitty B RNY 12/13/04 - Lost 115 pounds and feelin' great!

Tinkerbellodom 18 years, 3 months ago

Congrats!!!! your on the loosin' side hangin there things will get better! I'll soon be joining you on the loosin' side on April 24!!! Delta

kevslilkity 18 years, 3 months ago

Hi Ashleigh! Hope you are doing well since your surgery. It isn't easy in the begining, but I promise it does get better. Hang in there and if you need anything you always know we are here for you! Melinda Frank

JoAnn 18 years, 3 months ago

ok the first 3 weeks sucks but after that everyday will be better and better.. have a wonderful recovery and when you get one of those days were you say what did i do... go look at the before n after pictures and look at magazines ..go for a walk in a mall in go in stores that arent plus sizes and say ohhh wow im gonna be there someday take care ok and hang in there joann

Cindy M. 18 years, 3 months ago

Welcome to the losers club.I am 2 weeks out and it is getting better.Hang in there. Cindy
About Me
Surgery Date
May 31, 2005
Member Since

Friends 3
