11/17/09 - Was that me whining?

Nov 17, 2009

....just a few days ago?  Yes.  Yes, it was.  Sorry for pity party on my slow-weight-loss-whine-fest I was having just a mere 4 days ago.  Why am I sorry about that you may wonder?  Well, let me tell you.  Yesterday, a co-worker asked me how much I had lost.  I told them 72 lbs.  Mentally, I was saying "only 72 lbs" as I was still mentally on my pity pot about not having lost more.  My co-worker was very supportive and sweet and commented that my weight loss was really showing on me now and also that an outside vendor (who'd been in our office that day and only sees us maybe once a month), the vendor had also commented how thin I appeared.  The vendor hadn't said anything to me directly because he was afraid I was sick with cancer or something.  LOL.  My co-worker reassured him I wasn't and that I was simply on a new weight loss program that was working for me.  I could have hugged him for such truthful tact! 

Now, know that I was wearing a new shirt yesterday.  Yes, it was a smaller size and darted so it followed my emerging curves (aka a bonafide waistline.  Yes, I've had them all along only my curves had curves.....lol.  I actually got several compliments on the new shirt and how well it fit me.  I've been clinging to the old wardrobe trying not to spend too much money plus no time lately for shopping.  Anyway, I appreciated the praises but inside I was still feeling a little down with myself because I thought if only I could have lost more than I have so far, I'd be that much closer to dropping into the next jean size down, etc, etc.  Whine, whine, whine.  Well lo and behold folks, I couldn't resist a quick step onto the scale this morning because even I thought I saw a slightly smaller double chin in the mirror.  I try not to weigh myself any more frequently than every 2 weeks now because of the slow progress and I'd just weighed on Sunday so it wasn't time....but OK, I did.  To my utter surprise I had dropped another 5 pounds.  FIVE WHOLE POUNDS!  That makes the total weight loss to date:  77 pounds!  WOO-HOO!  That's almost 80 lbs.  A few more pounds and it will be.  That's only 20 lbs. from having lost a smooth 100.  Oh geez, I feel motivated again!  I can do this!

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