Intussusception complication

Jun 13, 2010

So I read somewhere that small bowel obstruction occurs in about 1.3%–5% of cases; its rare. 

Well, it happened to me.

After one year post-op I had a gastric intussusception that occurred into the duodenal arch.

What Is Intussusception?

Intussusception occurs when one portion of the bowel slides into the next, much like the pieces of a telescope. When this occurs, it creates an obstruction in the bowel, with the walls of the intestines pressing against one another.

For a couple of days, I had unusual colicky pain, cramping, vomiting and nausea.  I went into the Emergency Room and they were able to see it in the CT Scan and the Barium treatment. 

My treatment required surgery.  The doctor who performed the surgery was Dr. David Rose from Stanford and with Palo Alto Medical Foundation in Santa Cruz.  He was such a great doctor who regularly came into the hospital to check on my progress, sometimes twice a day! 

Here I am two weeks after having surgery and feeling great and I am back at work and travelling.

I have to take it easy for 6 weeks and not do any lifting or strenuous exercise.

Other than this and the anemia, I have not had any other complications or challenges with my gastric bypass surgery.

I thought I would share this story with others.  Everyone has a different experience and certain challenges do arise.

Stay healthy!



One Year Post Op

Jun 13, 2010

What a wonderful day it is one year after Gastric Bypass Surgery!  I am happy and healthy! My health has improved and I have the energy to do so many things.

The greatest thing for me is going into a store and being able to buy something off the regular racks and sale racks. Wow! I am a size 8/medium and loving it!!!

Next year I am getting married and shopping for a dress will certainly be fun.  I will be the princess bride I always wanted to be and enjoy the festivities of the day with dancing and sailing.  There is so much I look forward to doing.

Cycling is my sport now, which my boyfriend Scott has encouraged me to do with him.  I spend alot of my free time cycling around town rather than driving in my car.  Its great to do this!  And I attribute it to losing the weight with gastric bypass.

My next to participate in a triathlon!  What?  Yep, I ask myself just that. Doing it, just because I can.

I am loving life, feel great and look forward to maintaining my new lifestyle.

Stay focused on your goals and stay positive!

Being healthy, lighter and happy is good for you!


Happy Healthy and Fit

Dec 10, 2009

Here I am....I weigh 162lbs and I am a size 10P - 12P depending on the clothing.  In just a couple of weeks I will be at 6 months post-op! 

It is unbelievable to think --- I was 250 lbs at a size 18-20, just six months ago.

How do I feel?

Happy, Healthy and Fit is my answer!  It is not easy.  I constantly read labels, I control my portions and I make sure I get in some additional exercise everyday.  It is a whole new lifestyle and there is discipline and focus involved.  My cousin Vanessa just got WLS a few days ago.  I have became her inspiration.  Now, there are four of us in the family who have undergone this procedure.  We all chose the Gastric Bypass.  It is the best decision we could have made. Diabetes and obesity run in our family.

I feel so much better and I continue to lose weight.  I can ride a bike, get in and out of the car with ease and walk all the aisles at the supermarket without getting tired or getting pain in my hip and knee.

Many times I get complimented in public when I dress up and go out with my boyfriend Scott.  I am not used to this type of attention and I humbly and quietly say 'Thank You'.  Inside I am thinking 'oh my gosh, if they only knew how heavy I used to be, and what I am doing to maintain this!'

It is good to feel beautiful!

Is is without challenge and perfect?  Absolutely not, I am anemic and I am on iron therapy.  I have to check my blood every month.  Also, I am a bit deficient in Vitamin D.  A few months back I was deficient in Calcium and now I am back on track.  My potassium levels would also get low and it sent me to the emergency room a couple of times.  Now, I am doing fine again and it is controlled.  I cannot stress enough....take your vitamins!!! It's the only way to stay healthy.  Also, make sure to drink plenty of water; dehydration is not good.

Eat right, stay focused and do not sway from your new lifestyle. Get that exercise in!

This Holiday Season 2009 --- I wish all of you and abundance of health, happiness and fitness !  You deserve to be happy, healthy and fit!!!  May you stay on track and stick to your goals in the New Year 2010!

With Kindness,

Araceli "Arci" Gonzalez

Twelve Weeks Post Op

Aug 18, 2009

 I feel fantastic!  I have more energy! I feel lighter! I feel healthier! And its only been twelve weeks Post Op.

Does it get easier? Yes it does, if you keep disciplined and you follow every recommendation well in the beginning, it all does make a difference.

Four weeks ago I though I was having absorption issues and was worried because my potassium levels keep dropping to low, very low levels and that is not good.  It turned out to be a bladder infection that went untreated that later turned into a kidney infection.  So it landed me in the hospital.

I have been feeling absolutely good.  Every day I feel I made the right decision for myself.  

My life has changed dramatically.  I moved to Northern California, I am down to a size 14-16 depending on the clothes and I keep losing inches and weight.  I eat so well and so healthy, keeping my portions small and I continue to take my chewable vitamins.

I have a supportive boyfriend that loves me - Scott and he is great!  He enjoys cycling and this weekend I got on a bicycle he got for me. For the first time in a long time I rode the bicycle.

Good nutrition and exercise are keys to success!

I want to inspire and encourage everyone to keep on track with your goals, love yourself and find the balance with good healthy nutrition and physical fitness! 

I am very happy with my progress and I continue to lose.  

I just may have the greatest Christmas gift ever this year!  As I get closer to my goal, I may reach that ultimate goal by the end of the year!

All the best to all of my OH friends.

Will be in touch with you all again soon!


What a difference!! 6 weeks Post Op

Jul 06, 2009

This Fourth of July was my happiest holiday!  I was able to attend BBQ's and keep myself eating and drinking healthy! Lots of water, proteins first and certainly very small, small portions. Incredible! Very satisfied with very little.  I was thrilled.  Everyone noticed how great I looked and no one paid any mind to what I was eating.

I stopped losing pounds but I certainly continue to lose inches.  My routine is 3 days a week of water aerobics and two days a week of The Firm workout. I am trying to build that up to the 5 days the workout suggests.  But I barely have time for this!

No longer do i wear the triple "x"sizes and it is a great feeling!!!  Walking is so enjoyable again and I look forward to getting on a bike soon.

Even though I had a bump in the road a couple of weeks ago, today I am doing better and feeling great!  I was so bummed and so emotional!  I cried alot.  The low potassium was a big concern and being in the hospital for a week was not fun. My primary doctor continues to run tests - does not feel it is related to my recent surgery.  My boyfriend broke up with me a couple of weeks ago while I was in the hospital, but I figure it is because God has someone better in mind for me --- new body, new life!   I transitioned into a new position at work and my responsibilities are so much more!  Alot of changes.  But I am handling them!

So the journey continues.  There is still alot of work to be done!  Forward I tread!!!!

Keep your chins up and don't let anything let you down.  Keep moving forward toward your goals.  It is not easy but certainly we can all handle it!!!

Hugs to all of you OH friends!

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A Month Out

Jun 26, 2009

Here I am a month post-op and I am having an emotional meltdown! Normally I am a strong person and very resilient. These past four days I just have been crazy.  I went to the ER feeling sick and dizzy and they admitted me because I had a dangerous drop in potassium.  I just got out of the hospital yesterday. I told my mother not to come see me at the hospital and I hurt her feelings.  Then my boyfriend broke up with me, while I was in the hospital and I was a witch! (actually that was a blessing in disguise)  I can't stand to be around anyone.  Today I have to make appts to see doctors for follow up and have some labs done.  I was going to drive myself and keep pushing....Instead, I just took a deep breath and realized I need to get a hold of myself.

It is a huge physical change I have undergone.  Great things are happening because of it and I need to stay positive and focused.  Yesterday, my doctor took me off the blood pressure meds!!! What an accomplishment!!!! It is super!

I've decided I will relax and try and stay calm.  This is not easy.

I also have already lost inches.  I went from a size 18 pants to a size 16.  My suits fit wonderfully and I have gotten great compliments. 

Ikeep telling myself...
Focus on the positive,
Focus on the positive AND Relax

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First Day Back at Work

Jun 15, 2009

Today was my first day back at work full-time, after my surgery.  Everyone said I looked great and it was amazing how many inches and weight I have already lost.  I took three weeks off.

My collegues and I went out to lunch and after three bites of Korean BBQ, I was full!!! and no hunger pains.  I feel really great and back into the groove of things at work.

I've been drinking lots of liquids and it feels really good managing my day and getting some good healthy food in.

Last week I went to water aerobics three times and had some good light workouts.  My body is loving me! I am sure of it.

What a difference a little bit of weight off makes!  My injured knee does not hurt as much and my hip is feeling good!

This is only the beginning of the journey.....and so far.....sooo soooo GOOD!

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Home, beginning the journey

May 29, 2009

My surgery was Tuesday/  Thursday I came home.  I have had a struggle with keeping my blood pressure down but today it has finally normalized.  It was so nice to get a full night's sleep and to take a shower!  Its hard to sip or try to eat anything. I am not hungry so I have to plan.  This is a good thing.  As the journey is about planning, eating less and changing a whole lifestyle.  I am really looking forward to it. 

I may have felt exhausted yesterday when I first came home but today has been different.  I felt so good - I went out to the movies with my 2 nieces and nephew and we enjoyed our time together watching "Up".  The children know I had surgery but we did not give them much detail.  They thought it was so so weird to have little staples all over my stomach.  I had the little one, Mikey - who is 7, count them. He had a ball doing that.  To them I am still and always will be there favorite auntie. 

At some point, I look forward to hanging out at the park and actually climbling the monkey bars and running with them. 

My  diet has consisted of clear chicken broth, protein shake and lemon crystal light and lots of water.  Everything has been staying down well.  I have had some discomfort with gas but that soon goes away after burping; it just comes out.

Still a bit sore in the abdomen but the pain is not so bad.  I took a Tblspoon of the Tylenol codeine last night before bed. That is what probably kept me comfortable and with no pain.  So far, so good!


The big day

May 22, 2009

Its almost here the day for surgery.  It was moved and instead of later in the week, my surgery is now on Tuesday!
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Pre-Op Diet

May 14, 2009

It's day three of my pre-op diet and I am doing better than I thought.  On the second day I was feeling like I wanted to munch on some salty chips but resisted and had some broth instead!  I have finals on the day before surgery and so that has me a bit stressed out. I am spending every free moment studying.  14 days until surgery!

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About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 28, 2009
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