1St Dr Appointment yesterday 1-22-2011

Jan 21, 2011

Hello again, I posted my update yesterday on the forums but I wanted to blog it also. I want to be able to look back through all of this and see what I went through when I get to my low days....After I have surgery. From what I read there are some people who do have down days.
First off it was a bad snow storm. I didn't think I was going to be able to go because of the roads. But Praise God they were clear by morning. I got there a few mins early. Check in (front desk receptionist was great) I'm so nervous it was crazy! I was hoping I had did enough research I wanted to go in there knowledgeable. I wanted them to know that I just didn't wake up one morning and be like OH I want to have WLS. They took my weight I'm 240 my BMI is 45....I was happy about my weight because honestly I thought I was more.

I meet the PA. We went over my history, my family, then wait for it he asked....Why do you want the Sleeve? I said to him...It has one of the highest success rates, you don't have a HUGE vitamin deficiency. and Your not cutting up my intestine. I told him I know its only been around for about 5 years but still has had great rates....Shewww he said I nailed it! I pointed out the key points and I was happy!! After that the Doc came in...

He said my PA tells me you have been doing your research. I responded Yes...He joked around a bit...but then started to go over a few things about the sleeve. The he felt my ribs and said to me you have a small frame. (boy that made me feel great) He also said A LOT of my weight was due to genetics. WOW that made me feel even better. He said I would have to work extra hard to even get my weight off. I don't have a problem with over eating or eating sweets. Anyways, He also said I was one of his smaller patients. There was another boost to myself...Something I so needed. I love to hear what he had to say about me. He gave me an A+ for having surgery....I have to complete 3 more evaluation....

Now today is Saturday and I feel like I'm on top of the world! I feel like God has given me a new chance at life.....I know this is what God wants me to do...I know I'm going to succeed at this....

