2 Week Post Op...Feeling Great!

Jul 15, 2009

Hey Everybody,
so I was two weeks out yesterday.  Have to say that I am feeling wonderful, I cannot complain.  I really can't believe that it has only been two weeks.  Feels like it has been at least a month since surgery.  I guess that means I feel like I have come a long way.  The first week was filled with boredom.  I felt like a caged animal in my house.  It was so nice to have visitors but most of the time my days were filled with watching t.v. and I'm really not a t.v. watcher so I was going crazy.  Everyday I looked forward to going for a walk...it was the highlight of my day.  I couldn't walk far, or for a long time because I would get tired very easily.  I think my energy level overall was a little bit low.  They did tell me when I left Barix that my iron was a little low, so I think my fourth day home I went and got some iron pills and immedietly I could tell the difference after I started taking them.

I have been really good with writing down everything I eat. I am not going to lie.  The first week all I thought about was food!!  I think I was going through that "mourning period" where you just feel sorry for yourself because you can't eat.  I was almost in tears on Sunday when my mom bbq'd for Fourth of July and I couldn't do anything but smell the food!  It is so embarassing to think that not eating would actually make my cry...but I guess I just felt frustrated.  The best advice I can give to newly post ops is KEEP YOURSELF BUSY!  Don't sit around looking at t.v. and seeing all the yummy food commercials, you are just going to toture yourself.  Also make sure you are getting in your shakes and most importantly your water because when you aren't feeling hungry, you won't think of food.  Easier said than done I know!  But this is where your will power needs to kick in!  You went through all the work to get approved, went through the surgery, experienced the pain, the least you can do is treat your body right in the few weeks following surgery.  I am also not going to lie when I say that I did experiment with some foods that I know I shouldn't have in that first week (potato salad, ers, cottage cheese)  Lucky for me they went down without a problem but that is not the point.  I shouldn't be putting that stuff in a stomach that is still healing.  Cheating just makes you want the food you can't have more.  So just don't do it.

I did have a scary experience last Thursday.  I woke up at 9 and usually I go straight to the kitchen and take all my vitamins and make myself a shake.  Well that day I was busy texting back and forth with a friend and also I was watching my 3 and 5 year old cousin and by the time I looked up it was 11 already.  I was standing in the bathroom looking at my incisions and all of a sudden I felt nauseas like I was going to throw up!  I thought maybe looking at my incisions was making me queezy and I thought it was weird because I am the type of person who watches surgeries on television for fun.  I quickly realized that it was because I hadn't taken any of my morning pills or shake.  I ran to the kitchen and I felt my head just spinning..I was seeing rings.  I threw a bunch in the blender, blended it for 10 seconds and chugged it.  I sat down and really thought I was about to slip away..but thank God I didn't.  This will be the first and only time I wake up and neglect to take care of my morning needs.  Not only do I need those nutrients, but I am also a diabetic, so not having them is extra dangerous for me.

So far after a week and a half I was down 10 pounds.  I was getting a little frustrated because I was thinking..."I'm only drinking liquids!"  "I'm cosuming a 1/4 of the calories I used to and I have only lost 10 pounds!"  People kept telling me its only been a week, but I was ed!  I thought it might have been the cheating I was doing, so I cut all that out, bu the scale wasn't really moving.  We'll yesterday I woke up and had a cramp in my right leg.  I only get cramps when my sugar level is really high.  I checked it and it was 238!!  It hadn't been that high since I was first diagnosed.  Usually it is between 120 and 150.  I had stopped taking my diabetes pills because they irritate my stomach and I just thought that it was under control especially since I was only eating sugar free things.  So I took two pills.  I checked a few hours later and my sugar was down to 111 (I don't think it has ever been that low!) So I was ecstatic!  I am wondering now that my stomach is smaller and my intestines shorter, does my medicine take effect more quickly and with better results than before?  So now I know why my weight loss was going so slow because it is very difficult to lose weight when you have high sugar.  And sure enough I woke up this morning and had lost a pound and a half!  Back on the losers bench again!

This past weekend was really busy for me.  I had a wedding, a birthday party and a baby shower.  I attended them all with so much energy.  I surprised myself really.  At the wedding they had a wonderful dinner and cake and other desserts, and I wasn't even bothered by it!  People kept apologizing to me for eating in front of me, and I kept telling them that this is something that I am going to have to deal with.  I can't hide from food or get mad at people for enjoying theirs.  Soon enough I will be able to enjoy it myself. 
     The birthday party was at a bar and I had told my friends I was only going to go to the get-together at the house for a few hours.  But I was feeling so good I went out to the bar.  I didn't know how I would react to people drinking around me and me being the ONLY sober person.  But I can honestly say I had the most fun I have had in a while.  I danced for hours!  My friends are like "you better not try and get low and bust a stitch!" Besides the cigarette smoke that bothered me, I felt great!  I figure if I can't drink for at least 6 months, I'm not going to stop doing the things that I love to do.  Yeah it changes my nights out with the s but it is all in your attitude.  I had a great time, and I woke up the next day with no hangover, so I can't complain..LOL

Last update, I was told by Barix that if I felt I could, I could start puree after two weeks.  Last night my mom made turkey roast and it looked so good I decided to have some.  Cut a small piece and I chewed it to !  Had about 4 or 5 bites and I was full!  Good to know my new stomach is working.  It felt soooo good to feel that full feeling, because I never got that before surgery.  It is also a good feeling knowing that I don't have to eat everything on my plate anymore, even if I wanted to, I have no desire to wipe it clean.  I am learning every day how mental my eating problem was.  And every day it gets easier and easier.  I am so thankful for this surgery!!!


About Me
West Bloomfield, MI
Surgery Date
Feb 03, 2009
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