
Jun 29, 2007

well i finally weighed myself. lol.
and as of february 2, 2007, i have lost a total of 75 pds.
that is fucking amazing. i look so different. i need to post up new pics. as soon as i can take some i will. but everything has been awesome. i'm enjoying life more then ever. made some very difficult decisions, which i hope wil change my life for the better. 

well later. hope to have updates soon


Jun 12, 2007

well, i'm 4 months in, and everything is great.
i've gone from size 26 to size 18 almost 16, kind of stuck in the
one thing i can tell you guys is that my life has done a complete 360.
this saturday i actually went to a club for the first time ever at the age of 24. and i couldn't have been happier. i had so much fun, i will definatly be going back. lol. this surgery has created a party monster, i kid, i i'm not sure how much weight i have lost yet, i don't have a scale. but as soon as i know i'll update.
but my life has changed alot, i feel better, my body doesn't hurt when i walk to much, i feel better in my clothing, i'm more confident. 
still uncertain about the future, but for the now the present is just fine.


Mar 08, 2007

so on march 7th i went in for my 4 week post op visit. 
and everything is great, i'm healing nicely. 

got some repliva prescription, vitamin d, and centrum prescriptions.

i've moved on to solid foods,

but it doesn't really like alot of things yet, so i'm mainly stuck feeding it what it likes and then trying the new food again the next week.

but the most greatest news is when i was weighed in, 

the total i have lost since the day of my surgery on feb 2nd, right up to now march 8th, is 42 pounds. 

i was so amazed, i was like damn 42 pounds is gone already as u can say in a month. 

man everything is great, falling into place. this summer i'm definatly not staying in my house all summer long and not go out if i don't have to.  this summer i'm going here, there, and

i'm just loving my life now, i'm taking the subway, going outside, and as soon as i can i'm joining the gym.

and then in september back to school to continue my associate degree, i hope i decide what i want to do before then, lol.

i'm loving getting the complements, coz i didn't really feel pretty, and then all these people telling me wow, your going to be a knock, or like oh my god u look so much thinner, and the reaction on peoples faces who haven't seen me after surgery is freaking priceless.

can't wait to post up new pics of the new but not finished me. my camera is busted. but this week i'll definatly put some

one last thing i forgot all my denim fits me huge :)
atleast i have one pair that now fits once
so i'm just wearing that one, but plan to get atleast one more pair. so i don't the other

life is great.

almost 4 wks post op. yay.

Feb 27, 2007

well guys i'm all healed, my incisions no longer hurt and i weighed myself and i'm down 29 pounds. 304 on surgery day and now 275.

i'm so amazed on how my body is changing. it's like i forgot it looked liked this, know what i

anyways i see dr. dakin on march 7th, and there he'll tell me to advance to solids i guess. 

but i'm so excited i can't wait to take new pics to show u guys. 

yay i'm loving this to much. lol.

1 week and half post op

Feb 13, 2007

oh man, i was not expecting this at all. everything is so new to me now, it's like i'm learning to eat for the first time in my
well so far it does not like dairy at all. 

by the way i'm calling my new stomach "IT". lol.

because it has a mind of it's own.

no longer likes beans, milk, ground chicken.

still only drinking water though, so i know it likes that.

my incision are all healed almost, took off bandages looks better then i thought. 

but anyways it is doing fine, a little pain still, but atleast i can sit up.

also happy because my friends have already noticed a difference in me. it is so exciting.
can't wait for the  rest of the weight to come off. woo hoo.



Feb 06, 2007

well my fellow losers, i am now a loser.
my surgery was perfect, no complications.
everyone at the hospital was so great.
feeling pain though. can't wait to be up and


Jan 31, 2007

well my surgery date is here.
well tomorrow, but it's here.
i'm so freaking nervous, an emotional mess.

i hope i'm better tomorrow, but i doubt it.

coz the only man that makes me cry will be there, my daddy.

and i know if he cries i will cry. i wuv my daddy.

well i hope i'm back soon to right updates. 
well bye guys.

2 days away.

Jan 30, 2007

well today is january 31 st.
and my surgery is like 2 days away.
i'm so anxious.

i'm having so many mix emotions.

oh god please help me be ok.

Jan 17, 2007

well i can't wait. 
today i went to the hospital to get the pre testing done.
time is going so slow now, because all i can think of is of feb.

but then again i'm afraid, i've never had surgery before, so i'm freaking out a bit.

everyone tells me everything will be ok. 

the only way everything will be ok is when i wake up from the o.r.
that moment will be the moment of my life.

also that everything is good and i don't have no complications.

but i'm still excited, as my doctor told me "the risk is greater if i don't do anything about it."

so i feel like if i don't do anything i will die young, for being overweight. so i know that i'm doing the right thing.


Jan 16, 2007

man it's about time, i finally got a date.
man i'm so freakin excited.

my date is February 2,2007, three days before my birthday. yay. 

what a great

About Me
bronx, NY
Surgery Date
Jan 25, 2006
Member Since

Friends 30

Latest Blog 13
almost 4 wks post op. yay.
1 week and half post op
2 days away.
