My WOW Moments

Jun 25, 2007

I've had 3 really big WOW moments since my surgery 6 weeks ago... I should've recorded the dates and blogged them here, but I didn't think much of them until today's moment which gave me pause... so here they are in order of occurrance.

1:  One morning as I was getting ready for work, I was able to swing my right foot up onto the opposite knee to apply foot lotion without hoisting it up via my pant leg and having to hold it there against it's will...AND I had NO hip joint pain or discomfort.  Thinking surely this was a fluke, I didn't even consider being able to do the same with my opposite foot... but "poof" I swung my left foot up and again, no pain, no hoisting, no holding it there against it's will!  It was AMAZING!

2:  I went to the Elementary school that my children attend to watch my kindergartener 'graduate', and of course it was in the school's auditorium.  I sat down into the seat, without thinking, and had EXTRA ROOM to move around... I looked at my hubby and bounced side to side with a huge stupid grin on my face saying "look, I have ROOM!".... He said I had the biggest smile on my face and was giddy like a little girl. LOL!   The last time I was at the school for an awards ceremony in the same auditorium, my butt narrowly squeezed into the fold-down seats, and when squished into the seat, the arms of the seat cut into the sides of my thighs so much that I sat there SO uncomfortable praying the long-winded principal would just give my kid their award so I could get the heck outta' there! What a difference a few weeks make post-op!

and #3: TODAY - I was able to put my engagement ring and my wedding band back on for the first time since I was pregnant with my last baby - who's now 14 1/2 months old.  I can comfortably wear the engagement ring, but because I have such short stubby fingers, wearing the band with it felt a little uncomfortable still so I am leaving it in the box for a while... but when on, I can remove both of them with ease, and the engagement ring fits perfectly, not even leaving a mark at all! So, I've got my diamond back on today - which makes more than just my finger sparkle!  

I'm so happy I had this surgery.  Sometimes the results are subtle, but they're oh so worth it!  Thank you Lord for this blessing in my life!


About Me
Lyons, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2006
Member Since

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Move over and make room for me on the losers bench!
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