OMG...this is really going to happen

May 14, 2010

Wow, amazing three months of appointments, waiting, praying, blood tests etc etc and I have a date and it is only 10 days away.  Holy crap.  I feel lucky it only took me 3 months to get here I know it takes a lot longer for many others.  Luckily I am doing a high protein diet that includes food which is good.  Well just cant believe surgery is the 24th, excited and nervous.

approved ...yay

May 12, 2010

I got my approval today from insurance, I am soo soo grateful and feeling blessed and excited.  I truly thought that this was not going to happen for one reason or another.  The date is supposed to be set this week.  I am really hoping for late may but have a feeling I am going to have to wait until June.  Reguardless I am so relieved the approval process is over.  I am so ready for this.  Not looking forward to liquid diet but I will get through it.  Need to post some pre op pics so I have something to compare them to when the weight starts coming off...yay

Been slacking on the blogs

Apr 22, 2010

Truth is I havent wanted to write about anything for the last two months because i am afraid if i talk about it it might not happen, sounds stupid I know.  So two months since my first appt.  I have done all pre op testing and have my second or final pre-op meeting with surgeon in may 5th, nurse said she can send everything out that day and insurance only takes 48 hours for decision.  Hopefully my surgery will be mid may but most likely early June.  The surgeon has reassured me that my insurance should give my no problem but I am still nervous,  I feel like this is too good to be true and something is going to stop it from happening, but trying to keep a positive attitude.  I am required to lose 10-15 lbs before may 5th, have only done about 6 but am going to kick it up the next two weeks.  I do not want that holding my surgery up.  I am so ready for this change, I know it is going to be alot of work on my part but I am so ready for it.  I am afraid for two week pre op liquid diet.  Asking a fat person to only live on liquid for two weeks is comical to say the least.  So I have seen cardiologist, pulmonary dr, psychiatrist, nutritionist and had a sleep study which was a nightmare for me but it is all said and done and I am looking forward to my next appt just have to kick off those next 8-10 lbs.  I know I will be in lots of pain after surgery but am looking to a 2-3 week break from life. 

the road to surgery

Feb 20, 2010

Well I had my first appointment with my surgeon on thursday.  I was nervous and excited at the same time.  I met with him and he had two students in the room with him so they all got to see my fat which was awesome.  I was shocked to find out I weigh 317 pounds.  I knew I was fat but the number nearly made me burst into tears.  The surgeon is so nice and so is all the staff I feel very comfortable with him.  My whole life I thought that I would be able to get this under control and I was a failure if I had to resort to surgery.  Now I realize it is the only way and I am ready for a new life and ready to embrace a radical lifestyle change.  The surgeon said I am a perfect candidate for weight loss surgery and should have no problem getting approval from my insurance carrier.  I am so excited for this journey yet so scared something will happen that will prevent me from getting surgery.  I first wanted to go with lap band I just didnt think I needed something as radical as gastric bypass, but after talking to the surgeon I realize that will be the best decision for me.  I cannot even imagine the thought of being a normal weight, or even classified as just overweight, I am already so emotional about this journey I can only imagine how much worse its going to get lol.  The doc says he wants me to lose 10-15 lbs before I see him again in about a month, so I will be working hard on that starting monday.  I have already made the appointments with the pulmonary doctor the cardiologist the nutritionist and the psychiatrist, oh also the bloodwork and upper GI.  Once all those are completed I can see the doc again and they can compile the info for my insurance.  If I get approved I will then be scheduling surgery.  I am so happy but also so ashamed my weight has gotten this out of control,  I have a very supportive boyfriend of six years who understands this is something I need to do.  He is also going through the same surgeon to get lap band.  I will write again once I see the first appointment which is the psychiatrist on the 3rd of march.

About Me
Beverly, MA
Surgery Date
Feb 20, 2010
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