
Apr 28, 2011

 I haven't blogged in a while so I figured today would be a good day. I'm coming up on two months out and things are going sooooo much better. I'm able to eat solid foods now. I can keep pretty much anything down except for chicken breast and some pork. I still have a problem with food sitting uncomfortably for at least 30-60 minutes after I eat. It's rather miserable. The only things that go down easily and don't hurt while sitting there are carby things like pasta and bread. It's a real struggle not to eat more carbs because of this.

For the most part I'm sticking strictly to my surgeon's diet plan. The only real problem I'm having is eating enough calories. My surgeon wants me to be getting all my protein from solid food and to avoid any kind of liquid calories, even protein shakes. It's just not going to happen. if I stick entirely to solid foods I'm lucky to get 30 grams of protein a day. It is wonderful to be on solid foods, though. I have SO much more energy and I finally feel human. The Zofran my surgeon prescribed for anti-nausea has really helped with this as well.

I've started working out with my personal trainer again and it's going wonderful. I'm not nearly as weak or getting as winded as I thought I would. My trainers are very impressed. The only downside is I'm sooooo sore and Tylenol does nothing at all to help with the pain. I really miss my Excedrin Back and Body. Besides working out with my trainers, I'm getting a half hour of cardio in every day, working out with The Biggest Loser on my Kinect, doing belly dancing classes on Tuesdays, and yoga on Thursdays. It feels WONDERFUL to be so active! I go back to work on the 3rd and I'm not nearly as afraid of it as I was since my workouts are going so well.

I've also been really diligent about tracking all my meals and exercise on myfitnesspal.com. I really like the website and I love the fact that it has an iPhone app that goes along with it. It keeps me accountable and encourages me to up my food intake when its too low.

I hope everyone else with my surgery date is doing as well!

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About Me
Kirkland, WA
Surgery Date
Feb 04, 2011
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