My story begins at 15 really. I never was a overweight child, I always liked food but never thought of it as anything more than what was needed to stay alive. At 15 I was put on the depo prevara birth control "shot" this is when I first ever experienced anything close to being overweight. I went from 115 to 135-140 in a matter of 4-6 months. I was devastated. After I stopped the birth control my weight did drop but never to where it originally was. I was 125-130 from then on. This was ok at the time. I wore size 7-9 pants I was pretty active, had no car walked or took the bus everywhere. When I was 17 I met my now husband, we lived in an area that was car only, bad winters and lots of time to veg-out and eat. I gained about 10 pounds, not a big deal. Then at the age of 18 I was engaged and pregnant. My weight was "normal" for the first 4-5 months of my pregnancy, then around my 6 month mark I packed in the pounds until I was 215 at a little over 8 months along. on April12th, 2001 my little girl was born and this is where my struggle began. I thought I would be able to loose the weight relatively easily or at least get down to "around" my pre-pregnancy weight. Nope, When my Daughter was about 1.5-2 months old I did get down to about 170 but due to severe newborn reflux issues I was told I needed to stop breastfeeding immediately. So I then bounced right back up to 190 and stayed there for about 4 years. This was my weight this is where the scale sat, all the time. I was miserable I was depressed I hated myself, I though It could get no lower. Then in 2004 I started my career in Sleep Medicine, 12 hr. night shifts will do many things to you and weight gain for me was one of them, I rocketed up to 225 in no time. This was a whole new low. I was wearing size 20-22 2XL shirts and felt like a shadow of my former self. I was heavier then I was when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant. Then in 2007 I started looking into the lap band, seemed pretty straight forward, simple. For about 2 years I read peoples experiences with the band in here and lapbandtalk. I found that everyone did well, for awhile. Then not all, but most had some issue within 3-5 years. I as a cash-pay patient did not want to invest into something that would need to be removed or become defective because someone poked the tubing during a fill. at the beginning of 2009 on New Years at midnight I told myself that this was the year I was going to make a change, in April I realized that the Sleeve seemed to be the best choice for me. I then went to a Seminar with Dr. Alanis and chose my Surgeon. On July 30th, 2009 I was Sleeved. Everything so far has been pretty smooth. I had some nausea in the hospital and the day I got home but after stopping pain meds I was fine. I have lost just about 50 pounds as of Nov 2009 and I feel much better, I am struggling a bit, I am not going to lie, bad habits die hard and I love carbs. I need to start working out and get these last 20 pounds off . My current goal is 150 but I think once I am there I will change it to 140. I am currently 170. I am looking forward to my future and enjoying shopping more then I EVER have! I wouldn't have done this without my Husband that has loved me through thick and thin, and always told me I'm sexy, and my beautiful Daughter that shows me everyday why I need to make sure I am here through her love. xoxox

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 29, 2007
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