Naes Wls J. 20 years, 10 months ago

~*~I SAID A PRAYER FOR YOU TODAY~*~ I said a prayer for you today And know God must have heard- I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind, I asked Him to send treasures Of a far more lasting kind, I asked that He'd be near you At the start of each new day, To grant you health and blessings And friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small, But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all.

vonnie2304 20 years, 10 months ago

Andrea, from what I am understanding if you are drinking any caffeinated products this could the cause of you requiring more food and the cravings that you are having. A lot of carbs will have the same result as well. Remember you should still be following the same rules of protein first, yellow/green veggies next and fruit last. Always remember not to eat and drink at the same time. Also try not to snack or eat between meals as this is very damaging to you. If you are doing all of these things, I would talk to your surgeon to see if something else is going on. Also are you watching the amount of calories you are absorbing on a daily basis. Remember this new way of eating was supposed to be for the rest of your life. NO I am not trying to beat up on you just wondering and trying to offer a suggestion. Best wishes to you.

Sharon Neva 20 years, 10 months ago

ANDREA~ Light In The Storm ~When the storms of life are raging...and the clouds are all around....and you think your all alone.... just take a look around.....When there is no one there to talk to and you're feeling sad and blue. and you think no one will listen.... I'll be the light in the storm for you......Even though we've never met,.or seen each other's smiles....Our friendship is from the heart, not sight....And it can span the miles......We all are one winged angels....alone it is impossible to fly....But if we embrace each other....we can span the sky....The next time your feeling lonely, and the storms are beating you down.... just come online and find me and I will take away your frown.

careywatkins 23 years ago

Hi Andrea! Sounds like you're on the plateau from he## !! Hang in there, Hon. This too shall pass. Up your protein and water intake for the next few days and watch the punds start to drop off again!

Andrea H. 23 years, 5 months ago

1 week post-op and down 12 pounds! I'm really pleased with this. Able to handle some of the milk products now and definitely won't miss broth or jello for awhile once I get to where I can eat other things. I've had a bit more energy the past couple days and hope it continues. I'll write more next time when I have more to say. Andrea

Andrea H. 23 years, 5 months ago

Hi everyone! I'm finally home and trying to get used to sleeping in my own bed (and getting in and out of bed--much more difficult than with the beds they have in the hospital). I've been having trouble eating more than the liquid diet right now (the milk products aren't digesting well). I'm finally "passing gas" on my own now. I know this sounds silly, but I'm sure many of you can relate. Because I was having trouble getting enough liquids down due to nausea, I have been having trouble getting rid of the excess gas (so my tummy hurts a bit more). I'm still in the "I can't believe what I've done" phase. The first 2 days were the worst, but I think as time goes on, it will become less scary. I just wish the pain would go away quicker--with this, I don't have much patience. On a lighter note, if anyone gets to have their surgery at Abbott-Northwestern Hospital in Minnesota with Dr. Drew or Dr. Schwartz, you are truly in the best hands. Dr. Schwartz did my surgery, but Dr. Drew came to check on my in the hospital. They, along with the nursing staff at the hospital, are so wonderful! It really made things more bearable. Thanks to all of you who have been offerring your support. Your prayers have not gone unnoticed. I'll post later on when I feel more up to it. Take Care All & God Bless ^j^ Andrea Weight going into surgery was 253.5 and soon will be going down, down, down!

Courtrina Amur W. 23 years, 6 months ago

I spoke to Andrea this morning and she had just finished showering. She is running a fever and they are working on getting it down. She is not as sick as she was before and she was able to keep breakfast down which is good news. She hopes the fever breaks and she can go home tomorrow. She had the Lap. Procedure and is not having a lot of pain which is also good. Keep her in your prayers...Trina I also spoke to her Dear Geoff the other night. Andrea has a lot of support and love to help her through her recovery. Very sweet couple.

Courtrina Amur W. 23 years, 6 months ago

Angel Report on Andrea. I spoke to her at around 8:30. She was really nauseated and said she felt sick. Pain meds were working and she said her doctor said the surgery went well. I told her I would check on her later and to let the nurses know about the nausea. She sounded groggy but good, I will update again tomorrow. She is on the other side of Obesity now. All praise to the ONE above for watching over her.

Katrina D. 23 years, 6 months ago

Hello Andrea.. I pray that you are doing fine, and will have a speedy recovery.. You are so lucky!! :o) May God Bless and watch over you~~Katrina~~

Deborah T. 23 years, 6 months ago

Wishing you a safe and speedy recovery...we will see you on the other side...
About Me
Marshfield, WI
Surgery Date
Nov 10, 2000
Member Since
