Darlene Braxton-Brown


 I have concerns about my overall health because I feel as though my body is deteriorating because of the weight I've gained over the past couple of years. I found out recently that I have high blood pressure, my knees ache like "Whoa!!" I just want to look and feel the way I used to.

I've just started my journey. I have a consultation scheduled for 8/4/05 that's this Thursday. I am a little nervous because I've been wanting to do this for a while now. I've decided to take that leap now because a close friend cleared my mind of skepticism telling me of her journey and it seemed to fit me.

For me, I haven't always been overweight that came with the kids, the husband, and just plain looking for comfort in the wrong place "FOOD". I would eat happy or sad, or just because I liked what was there. I've been changing those habits over the past couple of months. I don't eat candy anymore and cut soda almost completely. I got to get that fried chicken out of my way though, I just love some fried chicken.

Anyway, I mainly want this so I can feel better as a total package. My husband stressed to me that he loves me as I am, he wants me to lose the weight too, but overall it's not a problem for him. I love him for loving me as I am, but I got to get myself to a point where I can move the way I want and play with my kids like they want, and I want to get rid of what they now use as a pillow, "my big ole belly". I know my son would miss it more, but he'll come to appreciate the new mommy.

Wish me luck, I'll post again after my consult

I had my consult with the Dr. on Thursday as planned, I left the office feeling more secure in my decision to move forward with having the WLS. So far I like the Dr. and his staff, they're pretty nice and prompt. Hope it stays that way.

My letter was submitted to my insurance company on Friday, I got a call yesterday, Monday that I have been approved for the surgery. That was pretty fast, now I'm waiting for a date.

I hadn't told anyone that I was looking into this, yesterday I sat down and told my mother. I was a little nervous of telling her because I didn't too much want to worry her, she's been through so much this year and scaring her with that was something I didn't want to do. (My dad was found to have lung cancer in December 2004, he passed away July 15, that has taken a toll on my mom and family as a whole.) Anyway she seems to be ok with me doing this, as with all mothers she has her concerns and wants to attend the support group with me and speak with the Dr. I'm 32, married with 3 children and my mom still wants to check behind me. I'm not offended though, it's just the person she is and always have been. My loving and concerned mother, I want her there every step of the way. For now, I asked her to keep it to herself, before I go in I will tell my sisters and brother.

I got my date 9/8/05 now I'm nervous, this used to be just a passing thought, I'll be glad when it's done so I can start my new beginning. I had a pulmonary appointment yesterday, didn't like that too much, apparently my pulse is hard to find, and as a result I got poked about 6 times my arms are now sore. Other than that everything is going along just fine.

Told my siblings about the surgery and they all are very supportive, not that I didn't expect them to be, I was just nervous of telling them. My sisters are more nervous than I am, my older one actually cried. I had to do a lot of reassuring to her, even though both of them are of normal weight they seem to understand my reasoning for taking this route.

I haven't got too much more to share, will update again soon.

Well I'm finally done with all the poking and prodding, I just have my final appointment with the Dr. and the psychologist. There were no problems what so ever as I've gone along this path, hopefully it'll stay that way.

I can say everyone that I've chosen to tell has been really supportive and are just as excited as me. It is good to have the support behind me. I do appreciate the information passed along through my angel, she's quite helpful and that's a plus. All the things to remember before and after the surgery. I like having such a close go to person to contact, the other benefit is we get to do it together. I feel like I've been a bad angel to her because I've been so busy getting myself together, so if you're reading, THANK YOU for all your support. I find it amazing how well she is doing at this point. I had thoughts that I would be bent over in pain for weeks, she may be a little tougher than me, but she gives me hope that it's not all that bad.

I have to say this because I thought it was so cute:------I was watching the discovery health channel about the WLS and they were showing the procedure being done. My seven year old walked in and frowned her face saying "ooh mommy what are you watching" I told her what it was and that I was going to have the surgery also. She stopped and looked at me kind of strange and said (whining) "why mommy? Don’t do that, I like you like you are." Then she told me I was beautiful. That made me feel so good inside that my baby loves me and thinks I'm beautiful no matter what I look like. It brought a tear to my eye. I explained to her that I wanted to look and feel even better, but she still told me not to do it with a real concern on her face, I told her she'd appreciate me doing it in time.

Aren't kids a joy?!

Well, I did it. It's Sunday and I had my surgery on Thursday. So far all is going well. It's not as bad as I expected it to be. I've been walking through the house and drinking as much as I can. Tomorrow I'm supposed to start the soft food?! Which is liquefied still. My family has been great which is making things a whole lot easier. I hope all this easy flow keeps up. I virtually have no pain, all I feel is the area where the stitching is, oh I feel it real bad when I cough, which I do often because I have a lot of sinus drainage, that has always been a problem for me.

I get a lot of inspiration, my angel came to see me today which gave me a pick me up, She's looking good too! Had her's done about a month ago and I love the results I see on her. I'm glad she came by because she gave me pointers on what I was and wasn't doing write. I was drinking tea with regular sugar, stopped that right then, she directed me to splenda. Then she checked my groceries that my husband bought, he did a good job, maybe one or two things that I shouldn't have. She also brought me some protein drinks to try, I hope that goes well.

Time to go and I'll update again soon. Thanks to everyone who sent prayers and thoughts to me, it gave me a big uplift to read them. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who have had or are thinking about the surgery.



So far things are going so so. Since the last time I checked in I've had a couple of rough days. I think I was starving myself because I couldn't determine if I was sore or hungry, therefore I had a couple of miserable days, I realized that I was hungry. It took my husband to make my meals and force me to eat to come to that conclusion. Now I'm in boot camp with him, he literally is in my face watching me eat now, I'm glad though because I probably wouldn't have figured it out without him.

Things are a little rough for me because before the surgery I was a picky eater, only eating things I like, also textures get to me and I gross out really quick. At this point my meals consist of chicken, cream of wheat, grits and mashed potatoes all of which I'm so tired of eating but I have too because from the menus provided they're all I like.

I went in for my first check-up and I lost 5 pounds, that's pretty good considering I really didn't do too much that first week. I'm walking for at least 40 minutes a day now, so I guess my next weigh in would be just as inspiring.





O.K., I'm six weeks out and feeling somewhat discouraged. Honestly I expected to have lost a little more by now. I know it takes time, but after eating right and following instructions I just expected a little more by now. The only thing I can think is that I'm not getting enough protein. I say that because I don't do the drinks, I have been having such a hard time finding something I can get down. I'm naturally a picky eater, trying to eat or drink something I really don't like makes me gag to no end. It's hard overcoming that reflex, so I've sort of given up on the protein drinks that I need. I'm starting to feel like I'm failing at this. I need some direction on how to get more protein in. I wish there were a pill for protein.

The up side to all this is that I have lost weight and it is noticeable. I am truly happy about that. I can see the loss in the way my clothes fit and how I feel. My goal for now is to work out a little more and get on track with finding me a drink I can tolerate.


It's been two months since my surgery, I went to the Dr. yesterday and found that I lost 13 more pounds. That's good, but I would have expected to lose a little more than that, being as though I was at that same weight two weeks ago when I went to see my medical Dr. I'm trying to figure out why the scales haven't gone down anymore. I'm eating like I'm suppose to and I exercise for an hour everyday. My only problem that I do know of is the protein drinks, I can't get them down for the life of me. I've tried and tried, changed brands and flavors, my stomach just won't tolerate the drinks. I guess my work out is building muscle, I can say that I am a lot less flabby than I expected to be and my stomach is a whole, whole lot flatter. (My hubby loves that!!!)

Aside from not seeing the scale move yesterday, I feel great!!!! I am a little discourage by the scales but otherwise I see the weight loss. My old clothes no longer fit and when I look in the mirror I see so much change and that alone is keeping my spirits up. I had refused to buy new clothes so my sister decided she would do so for me and took me on a mini shopping spree. That made me feel real good because I got to see what sizes I am now and the clothes show off my new figure. She's so happy about how much I've changed, I think more so than me.

My husband says I'm mentally different too, I guess because I'm starting to play with him like we used too. Back when we first met we rough housed it so much I would get bruises, that had stopped in the last couple of years, now I've started again so much that I tire him out now. He missed doing that and so did I. I hate that I let the weight gain make me miss out on the little things in life. It felt so good when I bent over to give my five year old son a kiss and he stopped to say "Mommy! You look like you're getting skinny!"

My pouch has been good to me, I almost feel normal again. I've stopped getting those gross feeling every morning and I'm tolerating food a lot better. I still don't eat that much, one because I can't and two because I don't like that many things, but overall I"M BACK TO NORMAL :). Well I'll update again after my next appointment.


I just wanted to stop by to say I've added pics of how I look two months after surgery. They came out a little blurred, I have got to figure out how to use that camera properly. I'll put more and hopefully clearer pics on later.

One update note, I finally got down a whole bottle of protein, HUURAY FOR ME!!!! That has been my number one challenge through this whole ordeal. I'm going to try another bottle today, wish me luck. I've noticed lately that my stomach doesn't get as upset as it used to, maybe that's why I'm able to tolerate the drink better now. We'll see after my workout how that goes.

Will update again soon.


Happy Holidays all. This has been a tough season for me, my first year trying to be good with food. I must admit, I ate a little much, not at the same time but throughout the day. It didn't help that I did a lot of the cooking. Overall I think I did pretty well.

I need to pat myself on the back, for the past couple of weeks I've been putting down the protein, at least one bottle of Isopure a day (hurray for me). Another thing, this will probably be my best month since having the surgery. When I last posted my weight loss on Dec. 12 I had lost 10 pounds for the entire month of November, I weighed myself one week later and I had already lost another 11 lbs. I believe that had a lot to do with me eating more and getting in the protein. I have to tweak my habits a little but I think I'm getting there. Today I weighed myself just to see how I did over the holiday and found that I've lost another 5 lbs. I think I'm doing well, I won’t be weighing in anymore until I go back to the Dr. don't want to become a crazy person over this. I just hope I reach my personal goal I had set for myself by this time. Which is to lose another 10 lbs by my birthday which I know I won't being as though it's Monday, Jan 2. That’ll be cool with me though because I'm close to it.

I really hadn't been showing my face around the family since the surgery, "not because I'm hiding -- I'm naturally anti-social", but a lot of them got to see be over Christmas and they were quite shocked at my new appearance. I've gotten quite a bit of compliments about the weight loss and my new style of dress, (Personally I prefer sweats and T's) but my sister's let's me have it when I dress that way, so I'm trying to change that. It helps that they and my Mom are buying me things to keep my confidence up. I tell you, I have a completely new wardrobe.

Enough for now, post after my next Dr. visit.




This year is starting off good for me. I guess in my opinion it started with a bang because I've lost the most weight in one month since having the surgery (22 whole pounds). That made me feel great looking at the scale, I though that maybe I was doing something wrong since I was losing so little by the end of each month, well I guess in a since I was. I really hadn't drank much protein until last month and I guess that really is the boost we all need to help the process along. Now, I try getting down at least 1 bottle a day.

My journey of losing has been quite easy, until I noticed that I was faint all the time, it was starting to scare me because every time I would move I'd feel like I was gonna kill over. So I let Dr. A in on my observation, he sent me to my medical Dr. immediately for further tests, his overall opinion was that my blood too was low and in fact that was the case. Before WLS I had high blood pressure that simply wouldn't come down to normal so I was on two different types of medication. My faintness came from no longer having high blood and the medication was doing its job but I no longer needed it. I said all that just to say that I lost enough weight that I'm cured.

Even though I lost quite a bit, it seems that my goal is soooooo far away, I guess I'm in a hurry to get there because I really want to see the old slim me again, I truly miss that body a whole lot, seeing my form coming back is so exhilarating. I can't believe how much better I feel in every way. One doesn't realize just how much all those pounds really hinder a person. Now I can walk up stairs without my knees hurting, I can run again, I don't sweat nearly as much as before, lord knows I can see things again that had become lost to me over time. I'm loving the changes I see in me. I get asked quite often if I really think I made the choice and my answer is always "HELL YEAH" and I would recommend the surgery to anyone who really want to make the change.

I saw my son's godmother last week, we hadn't seen each other in about a month or two. She looked at me and noticed just how much more energy I had, all she could say is you seem so much happier now (I DO!!! I AM!!!) Then she said now you look like the Darlene I remember. Even my medical Dr. seemed to be amazed when he saw me, he actually seem more thrilled than me, he damned near ran to the scales to weigh me, asking me all types of question’s that I honestly thought he should know. To my amazement 323 wasn't my highest weight, he said when I first came to him I was weighing 336 I guess somewhere in there I lost the pounds on my own.

Life is real good I almost got my old face back :)


Hello All, it's been some time since I've checked in. Everything is going well for me. I haven't been to weigh in this month so I'm not accurate on where my loss for this month is, I took my own weight last night and it seems since my last check appointment I've lost another 11 lbs taking me to a total of 85 lbs in seven months. My 6th month anniversary was last month, I didn't have many thoughts so I just didn't post. I'm very happy with the progress I've made, it amazes me to see the change I've made over these few months.

I like the new choices I'm able to make as far as my clothing, I'm between a 14 and a 16 now, I like my clothes to fit a little loose so I kind of stick with 16's more. I have so much more energy and love to walk all the time, this has truly been a great thing for me. I am starting to notice the loose skin now, mainly in the bottom area (not that I had much of one) but the skin is sagging there and between my thighs (that area looks so gross to me). I do have some hanging from my arms but it’s not that bad. As everyone else does I have an apron and there's nothing I know that I can do about that aside from surgery. I need to find some classes to take, maybe the skin will tighten a little, overall I don't look that bad, and (at least that's what my hubby says). I need to do a little shopping, the clothes that I had bought are getting too baggy, I did buy a sewing machine so I can alter my clothes, but I've been too lazy to pull it out, I have so many skirts and dresses that need to be adjusted.

One of the main reasons I really hadn't been here was because I was applying for jobs and I finally got one, it's hard applying for these federal positions but I got several offers and decided on one in downtown D.C. I'm grateful for that because Bethesda was getting on my nerves, if it wasn't the traffic, it was metro. Not to mention my supervisor, but that's a story in itself ( she was a real !@?*). Anyway I’m happy with my new position and moving on with life in every way.

With the all the hecticness that had been going on with me over the past month, I kind of got side tracked with my eating habits. I don't really dump, so I basically can eat whatever, my kids love to buy me junk and every now and then I tend to taste a little which can hurt if not controlled, now I must say that I can control how much I choose to eat, what I don't like is my inability to deny myself those little tastes over time I know this will and can hurt me, so I'm really teaching myself to deny the temptations. AND I keep reminding my kids to buy me more healthy things (because after all, I know they like the slimmer trimmer Mommy). Protein is still an issue for me, I've been on a break from that because it's starting to gross me out every time I try to drink some, however I do plan to start trying it again soon.

With all that said, I'll say goodbye and will check back in on Tuesday to give my true weight loss for the month, hopefully I'll have more pictures posted by then also.



Hello all, everything still is going well for me. I have nothing new to report. I just saw this plateau buster diet on someone else's page and wanted to post it on mine just in case I needed it.

Copy of the Plateau Buster Diet:
Do this for 10 days to break plateau

1) Drink 2 quarts (64 oz) of water a day

2) You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamin & mineral supplements each day

3) You may consume up to 3 oz. of the following high-protein foods, 5 times a day:
• beef
• pork
• chicken
• turkey
• lamb
• fish
• eggs
• low-fat cheese
• cottage cheese
• plain yogurt or artificially sweetened
• peanut butter
• beans/legumes

You may also have:
• sugar free Popsicles
• tea or coffee
• sugar free sodas
• sugar free Jell-O
• broths and bullions
• Crystal Light drinks


5) Keep a food diary and get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily.

Hello all, I had a slight run in with another over weight person today, I think I came off kind of mean to her but she just got the crap on my nerves, I don't know what to feel really at this point so let me explain:

I was on my way to work this morning riding the train (something I've always hated doing, but it's more convenient for me now) anyway, I'm sitting there minding my own business when this lady wants to sit beside me. Now if you ride the Metro in D.C. you know the seats are way too small even for an average size person in my opinion. Now I may no longer take up a seat and a half, but I'm certainly no small woman, this heavy lady tries to sit beside me and say's excuse me, I just look at her as if to say WHAT?, she then proceeds to sit down beside me wiggling and squirming trying to fit into the small space. She then looks at me and says excuse me again as if I can make room for her. I'm already sitting as close to the window as I can, but I got the impression that she thought maybe I should get up so she could sit. This chick (I'm being nice here) forced herself in that seat not matter what it took, she was damn near in my lap (how pissed would many people be?) no matter what their experience is with weight issues. She then had the nerve to look at me and say excuse me again as if I could move over anymore, I gave the most pissed off look and attitude and said WHERE DO YOU EXPECT ME TO MOVE TO? Can you believe she had the nerve to get upset with me!!!! She then scooted to the edge of the seat, by the time the train bumped and almost had her tumbling off the edge she finally got up and moved. I must admit that I didn't feel any sympathy for her. Why? I'll say this, when I was as heavy as I was, I personally never sat down in a seat on the train or anywhere for that matter, where I saw that I would make another person as uncomfortable as she made me feel. I'm still ticked at that experience. Am I wrong for my reaction or feeling?

Well I'mma leave that alone now before I say something I'll regret. I do have some news, I weighed myself this morning and lost another 10 lbs., even though I know I'm at those months where it's said that the loss seems to slow down, I hope to lose more because I have been so much more active, I walk a whole lot more and I do my bike in the evenings because I'm no longer near a free gym. This has been a good thing for me, I've also found out that my cousin has been approved to have the surgery done too, I hope it works out as well for him as it did for me. The last time I saw him, he looked at me and said "You're looking good! I'mma get what you got". He later called me and asked about everything he had to do and if I'm not mistaken I think he went to Dr. Afram also, I can't wait to see his progress.

I did post some new pictures last week so please go check then out. I would've put more but my husband messed a lot of them up when he took them.

I wish everybody luck on their journey and thanks for checking in on mine.


Hello All, Things have been going wonderful. I'm noticing a steady pace at my weight loss and that's good. I had been having some troubles with the types of foods I've been eating. For some reason I've been wanting a lot of junk and honestly, (I ate it). I'm not a big dumper, however I do, but only on occasion and I don't always know what triggers it because I basically eat the same foods and because I'm such a picky eater. I guess when I've eaten too much of one thing over time it makes me dump. I wished I dumped for eating what I shouldn't more often, maybe that'll keep me on my food track. I said all that to say I've been bad and perhaps if I can stick to a more strict diet I'd probably lose more than I already have.

In all my years I've never ever enjoyed shopping, not even before I gained all the weight. But now, I can break a store door down :) It feels so good to shop in regular sizes now; I'm between a 14 and 16 more on the 14 side depending on where I go. I've gotten some nice summer fits and can't wait to go get more. It's seems that everything that I've bought a month or two ago is now getting tooo lose. I'm gonna do a personal photo shoot with my husband at home just to get some new photos on line, hopefully we'll get it done this weekend.

It's fair to say that I think my husband is a little pleased with my progress, I was heavier than I am now when I met him, so he's never seen a slim me other than in pictures and although he appreciated me then I think he appreciates the smaller me a weeee bit more. He's been so supportive throughout this whole ordeal and I thank him for that, because lord knows he's had his reservations about me having the surgery done. Only thing, I don't think he truly grasps that I'm not supposed to have the junk, I say that because I sent him to the store to get me some cashews, they didn't have any so he bought a brownie for me. Now, I love me some chocolate and I've just broken myself from eating those particular brownies and he knows this. I jokingly tell him that I think he liked me better fat. But bless his heart, his response to my complaint about the brownie was that he knew I wanted a snack and he was only trying to make me happy, so my forever mission is to get him to buy me healthy snacks.

I plan to put an exercise routine in my schedule again, I do walk a whole lot, but I need to work out with weights and bikes and things because I'm noticing lose skin. It's not that bad but it's there. Mainly my arms and between the thighs. I have this dance I do to aggravate my husband and daughter, it's called the jiggly dance, where I put on my bra and panties and make everything jiggle, they get sooo annoyed because they think I'm becoming obsessed over the lose skin, now my babies, they love it, I guess in their kiddie eyes they have something to play with. Truly though I do need to tighten things up, I wish I was still near a free gym, I miss those workouts during the day.

Oh! My cousin had the surgery 2 weeks ago tomorrow with the same Dr. as I did and he's doing great, I heard he lost 20lb's by his follow-up appointment. I'm soooo happy for him. Well enough said, I'll post again next week after my monthly Dr's visit and hopefully I'll have some pics.


Hello all, nothing new is happening. Just posted some pics, go check them out. Will update again soon.


Happy Re-birthday to me!

This has been a good year for me, the weight just seemed to melt away with no problem. For me this has been a good experience and I have gotten the results that I was looking for and I am happy about myself again.

I feel pretty good about where I am now, my BMI is 32.2 which means I am now just obese and no longer super obese, looking at myself I wonder how I can still be considered obese. I made it to (onderland as of my last Dr's visit). I missed my visit for this month so I don't a have a confirmed weight loss for this month, I go on the 18th and will update again then. It seems that I've met most of my personal goals during this journey, I didn't expect to be at my personal goal weight by now and I have about 40 more pounds to go. If I don't lose anymore, I would be OK because I think I look fine and feel fine where I am. However, I do want to lose the rest, so I am still working on that. Some family and friends have suggested that I don't lose anymore because I seem to be at a good weight now, but that's their opinion, I know where I want to be and what I want to accomplish from this. I'll keep losing until myself and the Dr. are satisfied with the results.

The only thing I wish I had done more throughout this process is work out more. I used to work out in the beginning, then I stopped and started again, I never really regained the rhythm. I at least get on my bike 3 days a week for a half hour and I get my walk on everyday. That's something, but I want to tighten the skin a little more as to which I know will be difficult at this point. I didn't think I had much at first, but looking in that full length mirror I had put in my room, Ump! Ump! When I'm dressed I think I look perfectly fine, no hump for a stomach, no sagging thighs, but then I take those cloths off and that fat lady starts staring at me again. Let me not forget that I no longer have boobs, only remnants of what used to be. My husband keeps telling me that I look fine, (but let me not forget that he kept telling me that when I was over 300 lbs. also). He's so supportive and I greatful that he loves me no matter what size I am. As far as fixing what I feel needs to be, he says it's all up to me, he's not complaining.

As far as clothes go, I've decided to lay off the shopping, I've ended up with so many things that I've worn only a few times and now I have to get rid of them. At this point I'm about 15 lbs. heavier than my 14 year old daughter, so I've resulted to wearing her jeans & some of her tops until I'm satisfied that my weight loss has slowed enough ( which I think it's starting to). Oh yeah! She complained in the beginning, but overall she's been supportive, she tends to buy something’s for herself that she knows I may want to wear to help me out and I appreciate that. This won't last though, it's been a little chilly so I went to put on some of my warmer things and discovered that none of it fits, so I now need a winter wardrobe, especially for work (can't wear jeans all the time there).

My mission for this year is to:
1. Exercise everyday (weights & cardio)
2. Work on getting things lifted & tightened
3. Keep eating properly
4. Don't return to bad habits
5. Just to be happy with myself no matter what


About Me
Suitland, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Me & my then 13 yr. old daughter on June 10, 2005. At my highest & this picture prompted my journey to change my weight.
323 Lbs.lbs
10 Years and still keeping it up.

Friends 51

Latest Blog 6
3 Years and Counting
May 12, 2008
2 Years & Feeling Great
Down from 323 lbs to 164 lbs = 159 lbs. loss
