Dominic Condo

"Dr. Condo is a very knowledgeable and caring individual. He is definitely WLS friendly and does not hesitate to recommend it if you meet the criteria for the surgery."

Saint Peter's University Hospital

"The nursing staff was outstanding. Good understanding of the bariatric patient and very willing and able to help with any and all needs."

Robert Brolin

"I had been warned that though he was extremely knowledgeable, his bedside manner left a lot to be desired. I am the kind of person that does not care about that. As long as he could do the job, he was fine with me. As it turned out, in addition to being extremely knowledgeable, his beside manner was fine. He has a sharp, wry sense of humor and each and every one of his patients is important to him. As I got to know him better, I would even say that he's a mush (in the best sense of the word!). His monthly support meetings are awesome and, since I started attending them, almost a year ago, he has not missed one. His office staff, though extremely busy, go out of their way to be helpful and kind. They seem to enjoy the work and have helped me immediately with any and all problems I had. Future patients should be aware that the wait time for a consult and between the consult and surgery can be considerable, but he is well worth the wait. His emphasis on aftercare is extremely strong. He is a firm believer in lifetime support and aftercare. He makes sure you know that this is not a short term fix and that you are committing yourself to a lifetime of follow up for your own wellbeing. The aftercare program is phenomenal and is very structured. There are monthly meetings and patient education seminars (at which attendance is mandated prior to surgery) and continues post surgery. All of the risks and benefits are discussed at your consult and no question is taken as foolish. I walked in with a list of 65 questions and all of them, no matter how simple or complex, were addressed by Dr. Brolin and his staff. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate Dr. Brolin an 11. Dr. Brolin's surgical competence is outstanding. His bedside manner, for me, was just fine."
About Me
Hazlet, NJ
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2002
Member Since
