3 years down! Love my sleeve but the hard work NEVER stops

Aug 20, 2012

Hello!  I wanted to post my 3 year journey in case anyone sees this and is considering having the surgery!  First and foremost - it gave me back my life, my health and my happiness!  I have zero regrets and it was worth every penny, risk and sacrifice.  I could go on and on about all the wonderful things that I now have, but I bet you can guess because you all want them so badly!

I have since had twins via IVF and got all the weight off.

Here are a few tips of my things I do and some things that I wish I did better.

It's true that the first 6 months are like a dream.  You don't want to eat and when you do, a few bites get you full.  It's the most wonderful thing!  However, if you are not developing and practicing the critical skills during this phase, you will NOT be successful.  For instance, I have not had a sip of carbonation in 3 years.  I 'try' not to eat past 8 pm and I stay active.  And, I try to have fewer carbs.  I have stayed true to those tools for 3 years.

While I haven't gained any of my weight back, I started feeling out of control this summer.  Imagine that - I work and have 3 kids:) 

So, I have recently just started posting again and reconnecting with people like us on this forum.  I am going back to some of the core WLS habits that I never really nailed.  For instance, not drinking 30 minutes before and after is key.  And writing down what you eat. 

In summary, I am NOT a perfect patient - far from it!  I just want people to know that if you do this, the work never stops.  It's much much easier if you develop good habits in the early days.  My goals for the rest of my life are to continue posting, tracking and keeping these habits that I have mentioned.  There is no doubt in my life that I could gain all my weight back just like someone without the surgery if I let that happen.  So, I am keeping myself accountable - one day at a time!  For the rest of my life! 

Oh yea...and my fitness goal is to run 2 5K races before my next year surgery!

Email me if you want to know anymore!!!

Surgery countdown

Aug 13, 2009

Well, I have 3 full days until my surgery!  I woke up this morning with absolutely no hunger.  I couldn't even finish a bowl of soup.  My energy level is down too, but I am sure it's only temporary.
My pre op meeting scared me yesterday but not enough to cancel surgery!  I know this is going to be hard, but I am ready to face it!  I can't wait to love what I see in the mirror everyday!  And...another success for me is that I did lose weight on this pre-op diet.  I just knew that I was going to fail at this.  I am down 8 pounds and probably another 1-2 more after today.  Maybe after that laxative I will push under 200:)  I can do this!

Scared & Excited for the sleeve

Jul 28, 2009

Hello !  I live in Dallas and am scheduled for the VSG on August 19th.  I am 32 years old, married and have one son who is almost 2.  For most of my 20's, I was fit and stayed around 160 # but dieted all the time and exercised like a maniac.  As I got older it became harder to keep up that pace and pregnancy just made it worse.  Over the last 4 years, I have just lost control.  I am at my heaviest now - 210.  If someone could tell me that I would never gain another pound, I might be OK with my current weight.  However, I am confident that I am on a downward spiral and headed for even more weight gain if I don't stop it now.  I have PCOS, high cholesterol, fatty liver and just feel like crap!  My eating is very disordered (not eating disorder) and I eat too much at most meals.  I do not snack all day - but eat to get full...very full!
What I want from this surgery is to feel good again about myself.  I want to be confident in my clothes and enjoy shopping again.  I want to be my son's beautiful mommy and not the fat one.  While I know that my husband loves me, I want to feel sexy again for him.  Finally, and perhaps, most importantly, I just want to feel better.  I don't share that with anyone because I am too young to feel tired.  However, I want to sleep all day and I never have energy.  Lately, I have wanted to stay at home in bed instead of enjoying my life.  I have too much to be thankful for and am ready to face the world again! 
Yes, I am scared - not for the actual surgery but of my fear of failure?  What if I still eat too much?  What if it doesn't work?  What if I let my family down?  What if it works for 2 years and then I gain it all back?  I am hoping that those with experience can help and guide me!  I am ready to listen!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 27, 2009
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