Day 3 What is Self Esteem + why is it so important?

Jun 04, 2011

Today I attended a wonderful lecture on the topic of EMOTIONAL NEUTRALITY.

First she discussed the fact that we are moving out of a masculine model of the world based on FEAR-GREED-CONTROL into a more feminine model that is based on LOVE-ABUNDANCE-SELF CONTROL or another way to say that is a high level of consciousness.

KARMA is what reminds you of your LIFE LESSON that you signed up for. For example, if you go back to my Day 1, one of my life lessons is about letting go of my personal power, caving, becoming a people pleaser, and then when I have "sold out" my guts turn inside out.  To quiet the storm of emotions--I eat.  I was doing really really well on my diet + exercise when a woman on this forum met her LIFE LESSON in me [typically you will engage with people when you are dealing with your Karma where you push each others buttons].  She got me kicked off Obesity Help, created some other drama, and I got TRIGGERED.

Now in the lecture today, the first step into Emotional Neutrality is to know your TRIGGERS.  For me, personal criticism with a bucket load of drama that is directed towards me forcing me into a position that I have to defend myself or do something else is a trigger. In this situation, I went out of my way to apologize to everyone that I offended, asked for advice on what I could do better--but that STILL was not enough for this woman--she still went after the jugular.  My energy went down, I fell off the wagon [and I was doing so well] and I found myself going into that begging feeling of what could "I" do to make it better. 
[now when I later read some of her posts--she was a downer and negative to alot of people AND she had created alot of drama for me in ways I won't discuss on this post]
Why was I letting this person that I did not know trigger me?


*Clean it up as it Comes up

*Once triggered--notice your pattern [also called your LIFE THEME or KARMA]

*Allow the Observer to have a conversation with the parts that are "acting out".  Talk it out, journal, what needs to change so you can regain your personal power?

High self-esteem is someone who is willing to "talk it out", while low self-esteem remains
"acting out" their feelings.

*Use Loving Detachment [which is NOT about not caring]  It is about caring about your Tormenter enough to know that you needed THAT PERSON so you could see your Karma,
you could see your Life Lesson.

When you understand Loving Detachment, you have found the "power of NEUTRAL".

* Know that you do not have to "put on" someone elses Life Theme.  IE: this backyard bully has bullied others and she is probably a "fighter", someone who has to WIN at all costs.  This is called CONTROLLED DRAMA.

* The observer allowed me to step back to see what I was getting into, and one of my signals was the low physical energy and my desire for sugar and carbs.

* By going into Loving Detachment, finding the feeling of the "power of Neutral", you will see that
NEUTRAL allows your emotions to go into a PAUSE, so take a TIME OUT. 
  Do you have a TIME OUT ZONE that is just for you?

* Breathe IN / OUT of your HEART  (google Heartmaps for more info on this)

* Disengage + continue to Breathe.  Continue until you Chill out

* Breathe the attributes of Neutral

* Express Love + Appreciation [either for Self or for other]

* Reset your personal pitch:  IE: decide how your day will be;  for me, I had to decide how I wanted to be on this forum/blog and detach from tormenter [I blocked her--so now I don't have to read her garbage]

* Use your tools to refuel your emotional tank


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May 18, 2011
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