Day 2: What is Self Esteem + why is it to so important NOW!!

Jun 02, 2011

I am using this blog for the next 30 days to explore Self Esteem and why it is so important to pay attention to it four weeks out of my Post-OP. Thank you for sharing your positive experience of this post.

Venice Bloodworth writes: When you learn that you have the power to change everything about you, then you will calmly go about changing your state of mind by using your imagination. 

Dr. Stephen R. Covey says that your imagination will take you beyond your current reality, so it is up to you to decide and to imagine what you do want.

* CONCENTRATE on what you do want.

* FOCUS your BE-DO-HAVE on what you are creating.

* AFFIRM first to yourself in your own personal silence what you do want, then when the time is right, you can shout it off the top of the mountain.

* TRUST yourself - seek your own council and do not expect anyone to understand what you are dealing with.  FIND the right person/people to council with. Choose like minded individuals with HIGH SELF ESTEEM who have given up the VICTIM role.  Choose someone who also understands the power of IMAGINATION.

* An affirmation is a statement that allows you to take a FIRM STAND for yourself.

* It usually begins with an I AM which is a very strong declaration of TRUTH.  Now you don't have to believe it the first time you say it, but it will begin to become who you are so give yourself permission to SHINE.

* An affirmation is always in present tense--that is where you have your power--not in the past--not in the future.

* An affirmation is positive -- you never write about what you don't want -- only focus on what you do want.

I will be writing more about affirmations, so to begin ... simply affirm:

I am loveable, capable, and significant. 


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