For 2011-there are FIVE eclipses about to occur

Jun 01, 2011

For 2011, there are five eclipses that will occur. 

The first three are literally back-to-back and that can be quite overwhelming for super sensitive people.  We start off first with a Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 1st, follow by a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 15th, and then another Solar Eclipse on Cancer on July 1st

We have a few months to breathe before the fourth eclipse enters our life on November 25th, and last but not least, the final eclipse for the year will be on December 10th.  If you have ever seen the Lost Books of Norstradamus, you will know that this series of solar activity has a trememdous amount of meaning for all of us in the years of 2011-2012.

 When an eclipse occurs, it signifies a fresh beginning or a good-bye ending that no longer suits your life.

Since an eclipse can last for months, a deep cleansing of the soul is necessary

Allow yourself to let the ‘old’ seep out of you, and let the ‘new’ enter.  Making room for the ‘new’ will make benefit greatly.  Change can be scary because of the ‘unknown’ factor, but it is also good.  By changing, you are growing personally and communally. 



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