Aug 07, 2010

On Monday, August 9, 2010, it will be exactly 2 years and 1 month since my surgery.  Many things have happened since then.  I was 53 and 6 days away from my actual birthday and now am double nickels (55) and I was born in 1955 too.

I had breast reduction surgery on June 10th and am getting ready to go back on the exercise wagon again.  I should have tried it sooner but it has been sooo hot and humid and I'm pretty sure now the stitches are good.  I didn't want a couple of them to get worse so I have held off.

So many things have happened to me.  I know feel like I am living and not existing and taking up space in the world.  When I was 407 pounds, I broke chairs, toilet seats and felt awful along with all of the other not so wonderful things that result in being that weight.  As Dr. Chaing told me on my 2 year checkup, I was on the road to nowhere but it was actually on the way to somewhere I didn't want to be.  I had high chloresterol, borderline high blood sugar, knee pain, back pain, degenerative disc disease so bad that I couldn't walk 25 feet without excruiating pain, depression, edema so bad that I could watch my ankles swell when I got home from work and the crowing glory was the severe sleep apnea (67 AVERAGE episodes an hour) and asthma. 

2 years later I still have to take my thyroid and lasix (but 1/2 of what I used to take).  I still need the inhaler but haven't had the CPAP for over a year. 

I feel like I have so much to look forward to.  Do I regret having surgery?  ABSOLUTELY NOT--my only regret is not doing it sooner.  I also have found out that, in the words of Shari (a/k/a Jupiter6), I CAN DO HARD THINGS!!


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Palmyra, WI
Jul 06, 2008
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