Toxic People Perpetuate Toxic Lives

Nov 18, 2009

I am so tired of people who do nothing with their energy, but complain.

If something isn't the way you want it to be do something to change it.

If you're in a bad relationship and are miserable leave and don’t look back.

If you have friends that don’t appreciate your greatness get rid of them and find people who do.

Easier said than done you might say, but if you keep complaining and never doing you'll never know how easy it is.

Toxic people perpetuate toxic lives.

I have no time for negativity or negative Nancy's.

My life is all about positivity and search for peace.

I require it on a daily basis.


I have a lot of friends/associates right now who love to whine, but hate to take action and put in the work to change.

Actually they are just to lazy to take action to change and are to comfortable in their current situation and hate to challenge themselves.

I am currently fresh out of cheese for them to go with their whine. (I know the wine you drink does not have an H.)

Don't get me wrong I know life is not a party 24-7 365, but who the hell wants to be around miserable people who are just so unhappy everytime you turn around.

I support my friends when they need it, but I also kick their asses and get them off their asses when they need it too.

That's what a true friend is for.

I don't have time for BS.

Life is to freaking short for it.

I am real and never fake or manufactured.

I do not mince words.

There is never a reason for it.

I miss and love you all dearly.

Thank you so much for your support.

I hope you all are doing well and doing what you know you need to do to be the best success that you can be for you.

I am slowly recovering from a virus, currently in the middle of packing up my apt to prepare for a move.

I will be back online soon when my life calms down I promise.

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Mesquite, TX
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Feb 20, 2003
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5'7 - 305lbs
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