11 1/2 Months

Jul 12, 2014

I can't believe it has already almost been a year since I had my DS. I still believe it is the best decision I could have made. I'm down 166 pounds weighing in at 213. So close to being under 200. The weight loss does slow and you start to feel like this is where you will end up then finally a couple pounds come off. So slowly but surely I still have hopes to reach my goal of 130 pounds. For my height I will still be chunky but I'm good with that. I will be so much skinnier than I have ever been and super happy. People have really started to notice the loss and that makes me smile.

Still no complications. Anal fissures I will say are the worst part of it. They are sort of common because of our different bowl movements and they are in no way comfortable. I only bring this up because while I've had them several times since having the DS I'm just getting over the worst longest lasting one ever. I was getting really worried it might need surgical attention because of how painful it was and did not seem to be getting better. I bought some preparation H the internal and external cream and it helped some. I stopped using it after 3 days to let things dry up and while it still was not comfortable today it is no where near as painful.


Now for the pictures.




About Me
Grand Rapids, MI
Jun 28, 2013
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