Why Not Me RNY...WHY???

Mar 22, 2012

I feel that I can officially say the RNY did not work for me. How often does this happen? How can it NOT work? Surgery was 7/7/11 and since then I have lost 41 lbs which is only 40% of excess weight that I've lost. I follow all the rules, water, protein, vitamins, and exercise. I've tried upping calories, lowering calories, not counting carbs, lowering carbs, adding more exercise, weights and nothing is working. I've weighed between 194-197 since November 26. This isn't a stall...this is maintenance. I've read post after post of people that were at my height/start weight or not and they were all down at least 80 lbs by now so nobody can say everybody is different. I look at profiles of anyone similar to me to see what they are doing but nobody reallys says anything but how much weight they've lost and how this wonderful journey has changed their life. I don't feel that way. My favorite part is when people admit to not eating right, not getting all the protein in, not exercising enough or at all and they are losing weight. Maybe I am doing something wrong...I did see that some people out 6 months were still eating 800-900 calories but I've been at 1200 since November but 500 of those are from protein supplements.

I really don't regret getting the surgery because it does help with eating less and I'm eating a healthier diet. At least I have to answer to something. But why me??? Why isn't is working for me?? What do I do next? I thought I'd be close to my goal weight by now! I just had higher expectations and I've been let down.



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Surgery Date
Mar 17, 2011
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