WOW, 2 more weeks

Mar 21, 2011

Wow, I can't believe its been 2 weeks since I was last on here.

March 8th they took the stent out of my kidney/bladder.  What a relief that was, felt better within a few hours.  Now to really work on drinking more fluids - still struggling but gonna keep on keeping on.

March 12th my Mom fell at the nursing home, not a big fall but it was the beginning of the end.  Sunday March 13th I spent almost 3 hours there, she was not responsive.  Monday I worked and went there afterwards, again unresponsive.  Tueday March 14th the day nurse called and said she "had a feeling" I should be there so left work at 9am and spent the day at moms bedside.  She passed away at 5:35pm.  It was such a roller coaster of emotions.  The nursing home people were so nice, brought me yogurt, ice and water all day.  I stayed with mom until the Funeral Home picked her up, then I went to dinner with a friend and tried to eat more - why is it easier to eat with someone than alone??

My Uncle Bob came from Sioux Falls the next day and we met at the Funeral Home.  After the "business" stuff was done they let us use a chapel to see Mom.  Bob said a prayer and we cried.  I just kept telling her I Love You Mom, just couldnt bring myself to say goodbye.  Then we went to lunch - again its easier to eat with someone.  He stayed the night and went back to Sioux Falls on Thursday.

Friday I picked moms ashes up, that is a surreal feeling holding a box that contains the remains of your parent.

Saturday my best friend and I went to Fergus Falls for get a way, shopped at Thrift Stores, ate Mexican (my favorite), went to the BE (Beginning Experience) Dance and then stayed in a hotel.  It felt so good to get away yet my mind kept imagining Mom at the nursing home.

Sorry this post isn't wonderfully upbeat, its been a hell of a 2 weeks.  My goals this week is to work on getting more protein and water in, back to baby steps.

Thanks for reading, it really does help to have a place to share.

Have a great week!


About Me
Pierre, SD
Jul 28, 2010
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