Misc stuff

Jan 02, 2011

Well being at home for 3 days during winter blizzards has been a mixed blessing.  My mind has so many thoughts so I figured maybe I'd write them down, maybe they will help someone else too.

Clothes ... OMG I did laundry this weekend, figured after surgery it will be a while carrying clothes up/down the 2 flights of stairs.  I wash my work clothes and then hang to dry.  After my 3rd load of clothes I decided to count the hangers ... drum roll 70!! The worst of if is that thats NOT all my clothes.  I have one more load in the washer to hang up and theres clothes in my closet.  I did start to organize them a bit this morning size 22, 20, 18 and a few size 16.  I so didnt realize I had that many clothes, probably because they are in my closet AND in the basement.  My goal is to get them all upstairs.  If anyone needs business casual clothes let me know, I'll pass them along as soon as I "under-grow" them.  They aren't fancy but lots of life left in them.

Have been almost addicted to reading the posts and before/after pics this weekend.  After reading one asking for friends I realized why - I thought in the beginning it was to compare but realized it was that this is a HUGE unknown for us, way different from a diet, and we want to know what it's like on the "other side" of surgery.

I've done really well on the pre-op diet.  In 6 days I've only had 2 "cheats", one was eggs with cheese and one was a baked potato with cheese.  Both of these were on days when I didnt have a lean cuisine to eat because of the storm.  The one thing that I miss the most ismy Dr Pepper.  I have about 10 cans here in the house but decided cold turkey was the best way to go with that.  The caffeine headache wasnt as bad as I thought, only about 6hrs and a nap.  I still struggle with sugar free beverages since I cannot find many without Aspartame - grrrrr.

Well I think that's it for now, thanks for reading my ramblings.



About Me
Pierre, SD
Jul 28, 2010
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