Going back a lil bit Oct 20-10

Jun 16, 2012

Hey OH Fam..Gotta take u back a bit to give u a proper WLJ Update.. 

1st..I attend'd a WLS Seminar @ the Atlanta Medical Center Highland Athletic Club given by Peachtree Surgical & Bariatrics (Dr. Titus Duncan & Team). Early in the month of March 2010.
During the time of my visit to the Seminar I had (Medicaid WellCare) wish I had to swithch over to PeachState Health Plan (was inform'd that it wouldn't go into effect until the 01/April/2010.

FYI!! Recv'd a phone call from Cindy Garrison(Bariatric Coordinator I-O). She did a check on my Medical Insurance to verify that I have the appropiate insurance & was inform'd that I didn't have the correct insurance right now. I politely inform'd her that my Coverage through PeachState Health Plan will began on 01/April/2010.

2nd..I completed the Registration Paperwork to began my Process of getting this WLJ on the road to it's destination. (Turn'd the paperwork in on 27/March/2010 @ the Atlanta Medical Center Health Club).

3rd..The second week in April Cindy call'd me to inform me that she was able to verify my Health Insurance with PeachState Health Plan & she will be signing me up for my Nutritional/Educational Class (@ Atlanta Medical Center Health Club 2nd flr) for May 2010.
4th..Attnd'd a PCP appt. to be inform'd that I have High Blood, GERD (
Gastroesophageal reflux disease), not including the Lower pain in my Back, Legs, and the burning sensation when I walk. I also, have swollen Legs, Ankles, and Feet. I explain'd to her that I am trying to get the WLS in return'd she inform'd me that before any doctor would even consider doing the surgery on me I have to get my High BP under control. But she did sign off on a Clearance for me to attend the Nutritional/Educational Class. (11/May/2010) Weigh-In Weight is 391lbs.

5th..On this day, My very Supportive Fiance & I attend'd the Nutritional/Educational Class which I may say myself was very informative/educational and one step closer to getting these requirements knock'd out the way for the big day. (13/May/2010) Weigh-In Weight 387lbs (3lbs in 2days..YAY!!).

6th..Miscommunication between the Nutritional Team and my Bariatric Coordinator (Cindy Garrison). This is the beginning of August 2010 I place a called to her and explain that I was waiting on the next step to take to get closer to my Surgery. She began to inform me that I need to do a 6 month Supervised Diet Plan. At this moment I am a lil furious but it shall pass soon. She also scheduled my inital visit with Peachtree Surgical & Bariatrics Team.

7th..On 24/August/2010 I arrived at the office of the Peachtree Surgical & Bariatrics Team where I sign in at the front desk with Shelia Perkins (Receptionist) who by the way took my picture for my online profile, once I was call'd to the back area of the office I spoke with a very through/polite Katey Sans (Nurse Practitioner) who went over the Do's and Dont's of what to/not to expect after the WLS, after speaking with her was when I was inform'd that I will be having my surgery done by Dr. Larry Hobson (Surgeon) very pleasantly and informative person. During our conversation he began to explain how the procedure would take place, why he feel that I am a perfect candiate for the WLS, and what/how the incision are place to perform the Sugery. Also, doing this point in discussion he began to explain wht his goal is for me and why. Upon, leaving he want'd me to call Cindy and find out what is my next step to be more precise of where do I go from this point on.

8th.. The following day I place a call to Peachtree Bariatrics to speak with Cindy. During my conversation with her I explain that Dr. Hobson ask me to call her to see where do i go from this moment on she began to explain the necessary requirements via Peachtree Health Plan. 

9th..@ this point is where i all begans. Hope reading my journey to the point of where I am not will help you a bit...chat with you all lata..

