17lbs lighter SEPT 20-10

Jun 16, 2012

Hello OH Fam..How is all doing this lovely and pleasant day. I am wonderful just returned from the doctor with wonderful news for me..I have lost 17lbs in 3wks "YAY" it feels wondeful too..I just talk to my Bariatric Coordinator a moment ago. She stated that I got to get a referral for a Supervised Nutritional/Dietitian/Exercise Plan..but this is the kicker it has to be for 6mos via the request of my Insurance Company. I have to lose between 35-40 lbs (NO PROBLEM) I got willpower and determination to handle this type of challenge. I am so excited to began this journey to a more Beautiful, Sexier, and Healthier ME!!Well, i will check in with you later OH got to go..I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT MY 17LBS!!!!!!!!!MWAH..MWAH..BYE..BYE..KISSES:*)))))))) 1 comment | Leave a comment.

